Why Suicide Is Never The Solution To Any Problem?

Why Suicide Is Never The Solution To Any Problem

Why does the mind advise you to kill yourself? In many past lives, we committed various sins. As a result, we are punished. Some punishments are given by others. And, for the terrible sins committed secretly, we must bear them on our own. No one is doing anything; the reaction of that horrible karma will make you do everything. It is a great mercy that you at least came to know about it and that it’s your mind compelling you for it. One doesn’t even come to know when the mind instructs one to end their life. In your case, the mind won’t be able to force you to commit suicide because now you are under the protection of God; that is why you are at least aware.

Chant the name of God, and whatever the mind instructs you to do, never do it; otherwise, everything will fall apart. There is no other sin like suicide. The one who commits suicide suffers great misery. Whoever commits suicide gets a terrifying Ghost body, and in that body, one doesn’t even get to drink water; it’s a very tormented state. It will take aeons (a long period of time, thousands of years) and aeons to fix everything again.

God has given this body after a lot of mercy, so tread carefully, perform worship and fix everything. If you, for no reason, destroy this body, then you will have to go through great punishments. Even in the laws of this world, there is a rule that if you are caught trying to commit suicide, you will be punished. Even the Indian constitution has laws for it, so Godly laws will punish you even more because you received this valuable human birth due to mercy. 

How do you tolerate when the mind torments with negative feelings?

Tolerate the happiness and misery, and chant the name of God. You see how mischievous the mind is. It is what makes us sin. It says, do this, and you will be happy; do that, and it will make you joyful. And, when sinful activities are committed, the same mind gives us the advice to destroy the body. You see, the mind compels the people who commit suicide. It will be great misery. You can fix the situation, at least when you are alive.

The mind doesn’t give you the right advice. Tread this life according to the path shown by the spiritual master. Chant the name of God, and it will fix many births. Stop listening to the mind because it is a very treacherous traitor. You know, like someone disloyal that betrays you and gets you killed. If the mind goes wrong, it will get us killed with our hands. Make us drink poison with our own hands. It’s wrong, it’s awful. That is why, to fix the mind, God’s name is the weapon. That is why the mind doesn’t like to chant. Because if you chant the name, the mind will improve, and the mind doesn’t want to improve. Because the mind is ill-tempered, just chant, and everything will improve.

We have to die one day anyway; I will die, you will die, everyone has to die one day. So earn, earn before dying, earn the wealth of the holy name of God; when you die, you will realise how much wealth you have. 

What Happens To The Soul After Suicide?

In this whole universe, if anyone is punished the most, it is the one who commits suicide. Committing suicide is highly condemned. It’s not a joke that people think of destroying their bodies. Initially, for a very long, the one who commits suicide will have to become a ghost. They keep suffering; they don’t even get water to drink; it’s a very painful life. Then they are born into a lower species, which is very difficult, and we don’t know in which aeon God will mercifully give him a human body again.

The ones who get the thoughts of committing suicide, please listen carefully. This would mean that you have sown the seed of great misery for yourself for aeons and aeons. If your body is unwell, or the time is against you, or you are unable to win over anyone, or you are not clearing an exam, or if something is not happening according to you, then is it necessary to die? Will dying solve the problem? 

If you have come to a point where you no longer wish to live, then live your life for God from today. You will be able to fulfil other people’s wishes, what to speak of your own wish. Do you really need to die? Die from this thought that I will give my life to God from today. If you are really ready to die, then what desire is left? Now, God can do whatever He wants. You will become such a great soul.

Sa Tarati Sa Tarati Sa Lokan Taryati

Sri Narada Bhakti Sutra
Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Quote on Suicide

The Root Cause Of Suicidal Thoughts

Dhundhkari, who was in Pret yoni (ghost body), explains his state to Gokarna ji. He says, please save me somehow. I am in great pain. All the divine energies get angry with anyone who kills oneself. You have got the human life to fight the sorrow. Perform bhajan (worship), and it will bring auspiciousness into your life. If you get addicted to the pleasures and perform sinful activities to enjoy, if you act against the law, this will be your final destination.

Anyone can get these problems. People say he was just a small child; what sinful activities did he perform? He was only 14-15 years old, etc. It is not an account of one birth; it is of many, many births. I feel that due to one’s own bad karma, one gets an environment that inspires thoughts like these.

Parents should behave in a very friendly manner with their children. Children should be taught ways to destroy their bad karma, not the ones to destroy their bodies.  It’s okay if they fail exams; they can be taught better. It should not be thought that money is wasted if a child fails exams. The poor children, with small intellects, get inspired by the reactions of previous karma and decide to commit suicide.

The Real Solution to Suicidal Thoughts

If someone doesn’t get successful, he thinks of committing suicide. If the husband is not favourable, the wife thinks of committing suicide. The wife is not favourable, the husband thinks of committing suicide. Is this the solution to your problems?

Problems are solved through wisdom. You take the shelter of God while worshipping Him, and then think about your problems; you will find a way. The God wants to show you the way, but you have renounced Him. You commit bad actions and have no spiritual power left. That is why you start to make your decisions. Thinking, what should I do? It’s better to die than to live like this. The pain that awaits after dying, you will not be able to tolerate. 

Learn to fight the problem; don’t learn to be defeated by the problem. Problems will come and go, but this life will not come back again. And if you can’t, Chant the name of God; you will win over everything. If you chant the name of God, you can save even others. If you chant the name, no problem in the world can put you into depression. You just chant and see. But you don’t know God or His Name, so you walk around with your false ego. And wherever you feel your ego bruised, you think of destroying your body. Destroying the body is not the solution to any problem.

Original Question – My mind advises me to commit suicide; please save me.
Answer by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on – 01.02.2024

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Answering The Question:

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