Why do you want to become something? Why not everything? Why should you wish for something small? If you have to ask for something, then ask for something so that you don’t have to ask for anything again. We should request, O’God; I should become yours; you should become mine. I have no one except you. O God, whatever you want me to do in this world, make me do that, give me whatever position or prestige, but I have no importance in all this. Therefore, we should only strive towards God, and He will take us to the right place according to our needs. If God wants to give you any position, He will give you the wisdom and power to handle it. But your aim should be God; your resting place should be God, not any position or prestige in this world.
Is There Any Position Greater Than Servant Of The Lord?
The one who gets to know the position of the lord’s servant starts hating even Brahma’s position. We get the knowledge of the right principle from the scriptures. According to the scriptures, a devotee of God neither aspires for the position of Brahma nor the position of Indra, nor mystic powers nor salvation. The one who has become imbued with the feeling of servitude to the feet of the Lord is in the highest position.
The world is full of duality

When your intellect becomes pure, you will see how much sorrow there is in the world. Some have very good food arrangements but do not have hunger. Some have the best of arrangements to sleep comfortably, but they can’t sleep. Someone looks happy on the outside but is unhappy on the inside for many reasons. Some people take medicines to sleep peacefully. Someone is resorting to explicit content and bad habits to relax. There are all these arrangements for enjoyment, but still, everyone’s mind is restless and distressed, and many people are depressed.
Keep the connection to the feet of the Lord from inside, and do whatever work you do from outside as a service to the Lord. This world keeps changing. It is impossible to become happy and comfortable in this world; it’s not meant to be. If we make the world our aim, we will have to experience happiness and sorrow, profit and loss, progress and decline, etc. And the one who gets caught in these dilemmas does not get peace.
Make God Your Aim, You Will Be Peaceful
Bring happiness to everyone, and pray that God becomes pleased with you. Our business, our job and whatever work we do all belong to the lord. The whole universe belongs to the lord, so whatever service we have received, that too has been given by God. We have to complete that service honestly. Sadan kasai, the butcher, used to sell meat, yet he has been described in the scriptures as a great devotee. Whatever he did, he did it as God’s service. He was engaged in his family business, but his aim was God. He was capable of preaching even to great scholars. Unfortunately, our aim is the world. Some people serve the lord only to obtain worldly things, not the Lord Himself.

To lead a happy life, you must give up the hope of happiness. It is very difficult to understand this. If the hope is for the Lord, your life will be happy. Most people rely on material things to lead a happy life. This is the reason why happiness is not found even after searching everywhere.
If you decide that whatever happens, you want the Lord, your life will become happy, peaceful, and joyful. Whatever the situation, there will be no lack of happiness in your life because you have accepted the Lord, whom even the goddess of fortune serves, as your master. All the mystic powers and planets will be in your favour. They will not cause you any harm. All your work will be auspicious. There is a circle of protection and God’s grace around His devotee.

tab lagi kusal na jeev kahun, sapanehun man bishraam.
Goswami Shri Tulsidas Ji, Dohavali
jab lagi bhajat na raam kahun, sok dhaam taji kaam.
Meaning: Till the living entity does not worship Lord Ram, neither life is good for him nor his mind gets peace even in dreams.
No matter how bad the situation is, if one takes refuge in the feet of the Lord, then the heart gets filled with enthusiasm and joy. All complaints and grievances are washed away, and the person remains joyful.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj