What Happens At The Time Of Death?

what happens at the time of death

One who never controls his senses and continues committing sinful acts comes close to death again. He misses the opportunity given by God to escape the great misfortune (the cycle of birth and death). He again makes the same mistake that was repeated millions of times in every past life! At the time of death, all the sins he committed and the pleasures he enjoyed attract his mind. He won’t be able to say even a single word. His heart starts trembling. There is a lot of misery – phlegm blocks his breathing, and he can neither sleep nor speak. Many terrible sufferings befell him!

How Will Your Family Treat You When Death Approaches?

The wife, sons, and servants start disrespecting him. He wants to speak and asks for food, but everyone passes by, and no one listens. The son and daughter-in-law, whom he brought up with great love and for whom he collected wealth by committing unrighteous acts, scold him. He keeps coughing while lying down in a corner.

How will your family treat you when death approaches

It has become a new trend not to keep elders at home. Children leave them in old-age homes. Why do people send those God-like elders, whose service is our supreme duty, to old age homes? Because the elderly spoil the beauty of their house. They sit at the door and keep coughing and spitting. You, too, will reach there someday! The way you are insulting your parents and elders, you are making the same arrangements for yourself for when you get old. Family members scold them. They had hoped children would treat them lovingly, but they never even sit near or talk to them. They burn in terrible distress.

What Is A Sinner’s Last Thought?

Whatever actions one commits during his life dominate him at the time of death. He takes deep breaths, but he cannot find an escape. The time of death has come; he starts suffocating, his body starts trembling, and he starts fainting again and again. In such a situation, his thoughts get stuck – what will happen to my money? All this will be enjoyed by those for whom I have earned everything; they are the ones who are abusing me! They will enjoy my wealth; he is thinking all this while lying there. How will my wife live after me? She has loved me all her life and is now old. I don’t know whether our children will care for her! I am unsure whether these servants will take care of my family! Just these thoughts.

What is a sinner's last thought

A person having thoughts like this died; he became a dog in his next birth. He became a small puppy near the doorsteps of his house. When he saw his wife, he called her by barking, and the wife would kick him. When he would go towards her again, she would call the sons to beat him with sticks. He didn’t even get bread. He would run towards the house because he felt that this was his home. If you act sinfully, this will be your situation, too. There will be misery. Maybe you will become a lizard, and your family members will take you out and kill you. Maybe a snake! All this happens because one did not engage in devotion during one’s lifetime.

How Do Yamdutas Take Away Sinful Souls?

How do Yamdutas take away sinful souls

The dying person becomes distraught due to attachment. The Yamdutas(the messengers of death) are scary to look at. The sinful dying soul never engaged in devotion, so he does not remember the lord at the time of death. Otherwise, the lord would have definitely saved him. Ultimately, his eyes roll back, and his palate, throat, and lips become dry. He beats his hands and legs repeatedly. His breathing stops. Phlegm gets stuck in his throat.

The messengers of death start beating him. They say, get out of this house (the body)! You got this body to engage in devotion and return to lord, but you have committed crimes, come along! Let us show you the result. At the time of death, he leaves his life after suffering immense pain. One who has behaved against the lord’s rules and committed sinful acts, the Yamdoots take him to Yampuri. Throughout the journey, they keep beating him, giving him various kinds of terrible tortures, scolding him and dragging him. The path to Yampuri is full of hot sand, fire and sharp knives that penetrate his feet. He is dragged through that burning and dreadful journey. There is no water, no food, and on top of that, there is beating going on. After reaching the destination, he suffers the torture of terrible hells.

Guidance by: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video of Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj On The Fate Of Soul At The Time Of Death

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