Violence Against Women: How To Respond?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
violence against women

If someone teases you or makes inappropriate advances toward you, do not get scared. There are powerful laws protecting women and daughters. There is no need for even any witnesses. One must prevent the situation first and protect ourselves from that circumstance. We must not fear what will happen afterwards.

Spirituality Instructs to Tolerate: What Should I Do?

When you slap someone in response to something inappropriate, that is a reaction to his action. Do not show leniency; a formal police report should be made, too. This ensures that it doesn’t happen to any other women. You must not forgive him. At that moment, don’t think that God resides in him. If God has come in this form, then punishment is the worship for you.

Through penalising, criminal tendencies are controlled. It is not achieved through prayers but through punishment. Consider that God inspires you and makes you do it in that moment. If someone is furthering in irreligiosity, his steps must be hindered; there are laws and rules for it. It’s not like you let unrighteousness happen; otherwise, escaping will be tough. We are devotees, and we keep the sentiment of God in everyone. However, that does not mean we tolerate irreligiosity and harassment. 

Bhishma was on one side, and Sri Krishna on the other. He was charging arrows towards Sri Krishna, so Krishna had to pick up the weapons. A devotee must be very wise. We should not be naive and let people treat us the way they like. A devotee is proficient and like a lion. If a thief shows up, punishing him is our worship; if a saint shows up, bowing down and paying respects is the worship.

violence against women

Respond Immediately To Inappropriate Behavior

Our behaviour must be extremely controlled, and the rest is God’s will. We will not be inattentive in our behaviour. If you are a girl and you are walking, then be very cautious. If you feel someone is walking ten steps behind you, stand still, stand where you can get the support of a few people and get in action immediately; how come you are walking behind me? Immediate caution. We must consider dutifulness in our behaviour. 

Jay and Vijay were the representatives of God, but they later became Ravana and the Khumbhkarana. They are the representatives of God. God said that our war is fixed, so they said, let’s enter the game. They challenged God and fought Him. An irreligious person is purified through punishment. Even a little bit of leniency on our part and see what kind of horrific acts are done with the little girls?

Therefore, every girl must stay alert and cautious, and one must be hindered at the very first step. You have the facility of mobile. If you feel that someone is following you at the first step, you call your family and immediately the police. There are contact numbers available for that today. Inform them and get yourself in a safe position.

Contaminations of the mind are on the rise. Spirituality is a matter of the inner self; outwardly, one must be proficient. If you don’t show alertness on the outside, you will even begin to question the existence of God. Tread with proficiency. Chant the name of God and stay alert and on guard. God is our saviour and will become seated in the intellect to keep you safe. Forgiveness is not a word if you feel even a bit of doubt towards anyone; caution and punishment are. 

violence against women

Should I Stay Silent If Someone Teases Me?

You might think the offender might be taken care of for now if I report him; however, after being released from prison, he might harm me or my family.  But if you stay quiet, then tomorrow he might say a few things, the day after he might confront you, and the next day he might harm you. However, if it comes under the supervision of law, they will be punished. Secondly, God grants power to His devotees. If you fear like this, then the people causing the ruckus will become confident. It will be problematic if they come to know that you are scared. You do not have to fear. 

If you see anyone making advancement or bad touch, oppose it immediately. If you don’t revolt, they will get more encouragement from next time onwards. The loose tendencies will get more courage. There are strong laws for the protection of women and daughters. There is no need for even any witness. You just have to say that he was looking at me the wrong way, what to speak of touching.

Never Misuse The Law

However, never get anyone into trouble for no reason. Never use the law in the wrong way, that I get someone punished for my personal grudges. If someone does intend to harm you, then for protection, I am instructing. If you do it, you will entrap them once, but your karma will entrap you elsewhere. All these laws are made for our own protection, for principles, for justice; never misuse them.

violence against women

Try Your Best: God Helps!

I say this with certainty: God will be there for your support when you perform devotion. Chant the name and stay under God’s shelter; however, stay alert. We have to try as much as possible; however, there is God after that.

When Vasudev ji heard the celestial prophecy, “O Kamsa, the sister that you are lovingly taking in the chariot, her eighth son will be your death. Kamsa held her by her hair. But as soon as Kamsa tried to behead her, he was stopped by Vasudev. “This is not right; you have no fear of Devaki, right? No! Then I give you my word that each child will be brought to you. If you feel scared of the child, you can kill the child, not Devaki. 

When the time of fear comes, somehow or other, one must protect oneself. What will happen later is a different thing. Immediately, Vasudev said that each child would be brought to Kamsa. Please spare Devaki because there is no fear from Devaki but from the child. 

If any such situation presents itself, one must save it through wisdom. We must save ourselves from the immediate situation and not fear what will happen afterwards.

Original Question You say God is present in everyone; what should I do if someone misbehaves with me or makes inappropriate advances?

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on 13.02.2024

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On How To Respond To Violence Against Women:

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