8 Tips for Youth To Find Success In Life

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
tips for success in life

Success isn’t just about climbing up; it’s also about not slipping down. You’re setting yourself up for failure if your actions aren’t pure. Back in the day, kids were all about celibacy – staying pure and focused. But nowadays, everyone’s got their heads buried in their phones. And if you’re not careful, you’ll stumble upon filthy content. What you see, hear, and think about shapes who you are. When you’re pure in heart and mind, you’re setting yourself up for success in every aspect of life. Here are some tips to stay away from bad habits and set yourself up for success:

1. Brahmacharya Is A Must For A Happy And Healthy Life

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We cannot succeed in any path if our conduct is not pure. Climbing higher can take a lifetime, but slipping down takes just a minute. Without celibacy, nothing higher can be achieved. Even if you want to get married someday, you must live a life similar to a renunciant. Earlier, all the children were kept in Gurukula for this very reason: they used to develop their celibacy fully. If anyone engages in activities that diminish your chastity, you must leave their association.

2. Stay Away From Live-In Relationship, A Boyfriend or A Girlfriend

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Having a boyfriend or girlfriend or living with someone from the opposite gender before marriage is a poison for life’s success. Youth is an impressionable age; we should engage in things that prepare us to serve our nation and society and become capable of pleasing the Lord. If, in this age group, your conduct becomes corrupt, then you will become so deranged and dissatisfied from within that you will make your mother, father, and everyone miserable. You will be unhappy because of the trap of illicit activities.

3. Avoid Smartphones

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Today, everyone has a Smartphone. If you do not control yourself, you will watch corrupt scenes. Whatever we speak, see, and hear becomes our meditation; whatever our meditation is, that becomes our habit and activity. So until you are married, you must have the mindset of Brahmacharya, celibacy. To stay celibate, one must work out. If you don’t exercise your physical body, you cannot remain celibate.

4. Wake Up Early

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Get up early in the morning, ideally at 4 am. That time to wake up is good (Brahmamuhurta). After waking up, get fresh, shower and work out, even if it’s for 20 mins. After that, engage in your studies or work in such a way that an ascetic does his austerity. The better you study or work, the better you will engage in serving society and serving the nation.

5. Consume A Pure Diet 

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Exercise and Celibacy will only be possible if your diet is pure. It’s a sequence. Hotel food might look fresh and healthy, but we do not know who made it, with what consciousness it was made, or what purity there is. One must consume only home-cooked food.

6. Avoid Bad Company

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A few kids visited us, and they were quite young. They were engaged in masturbating multiple times a day. One of them had come to such a condition that when urinating, semen comes out before urine. They had difficulty getting up and sitting down. They told me they learnt all these wrong habits because of bad company. If you have friends who are into bad activities, don’t meet them; abandon them. If you don’t, you won’t even have a happy married life, what to even speak of the possibility of a spiritual life. One who treads with control is the one who becomes successful. One who does not control himself cannot become anything.

7. Never Get Disappointed

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Don’t be disappointed if you fail. Don’t worry about people making fun of your failure. We can work better, study better, try again and succeed. Do not entertain negative thoughts. Do not even think of suicide. No matter how many times we may fail, we will win one day; we are a part of God. Never be disappointed. Keep your enthusiasm high and chant the name of God every day.

8. Chant Radha Radha Everyday

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Allocate a few minutes to chant the holy name every day. It is like medicine that will cure all your internal and mental impurities. You can chant whichever name of the Lord you like. You can chant when alone or walking to work or school. The holy name has so much potency that it can bring a magical effect to your life. God is merciful to everyone. Make improvements, and you will be happy in this life and the next.

tips for success

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on 19.10.2023

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On How To Find Success:

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