How Great Souls Are Born: Vedic Tips For Pregnant Women

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
vedic tips for healthy pregnancy

When Prahlad Maharaj was in Kayadhu’s womb, Narad ji took her to His ashram and made her listen to the Lord’s pastimes daily. She resided in a pious place with a pious intent. All that purity impacted the child in the womb, and right from the womb, he appeared as a great soul. Arjun ji taught Abhimanyu how to break the Chakravyuh when he was still in the womb. Arjun made the mother listen to the instructions.

Do’s And Don’t’s During Pregnancy

What we eat, the conversations we have, what we hear, what we watch, and how we deal with others during pregnancy greatly impact the child in the womb. If you live without discipline of the senses, the child born will lack discipline. Your impressions are imprinted on the child. Once the child is conceived, the womb must be kept purified and healthy to make it strong; one must maintain celibacy after conception.

do's and don'ts during pregnancy

Only someone practising spirituality and listening to Satsang can maintain the above restrictions. If you want a child to become a patriot, you must listen to the stories of nationalism and scriptural discourse. If you watch movies, meditate upon them, consume impure food, and perform illicit activities, these bad impressions will be seen in the child. We see all these symptoms in really young kids today. Because the mother did not practice control, whatever activities were performed after conception are displaying in children and controlling them.

If you want a great soul to be born in your home, control yourself and stop consummation post-pregnancy. Control what you eat; study the scriptures if you want the child to be a devotee. You recite them, and the child listens. Chant the holy name of the lord. You must not meet people with impure intent because the index of wisdom is getting built for the child. Whatever conduct we have, the child will receive the same impressions. Therefore, engage the mind in God.

Fate Of Child In Mother’s Womb

The child to be born will come with his own karma. However, he will also be chosen based on what karma you have from the past. If in past lives, you performed bad activities with him; he will come and make you burn and give you pain your entire life. And if you have performed good actions, the soul that will come will bring you happiness. If you meditate upon God, you can change your and his destiny. Worship is the only action that can fix everything.

tips to follow during pregnancy

If you have the power of devotion, then there is bliss. Otherwise, the combination of your and the child’s actions becomes the connection for suffering or happiness. Your karma is burning you and creating disputes in the family. If the karma is good, you will be blissful and happy immediately upon seeing the child.

Karma gives us happiness and distress. If anything can erase karma, it is God’s mediation. Take shelter of God, sing His glories, and chant His name, and everything will be alright.

Worshipping God Can Fix The Child’s Karma

The father of Markandeya Rishi was a great astrologer and saw that Markandeya would die at the age of five. He became really worried. Devotees of God and saints have special abilities, he knew. He thought he could be saved if the child offered respectful obeisances to the saints and got their blessings. He would make the child stand at the bank of the Ganges and command the boy to offer obeisances whenever he saw a saint.

quotes on pregnancy

One day, in disguise, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, and Sanat Kumar (four kumaras, sons of lord Brahma) came. The father of Markandeya Rishi was a mystical sage and could identify them. The son offered obeisances, and the kumaras blessed him with a long life. The father soon approached the sages and said, “I know you are the four Kumaras. He is really unfortunate; he will die at the age of five, and you have just blessed him to have a long life. Are your words wrong? or is his destiny wrong?”

The father knew the exact time of death of the child. The Kumaras instructed him to make the child embrace Lord Shiva in a temple from morning until the time of death on the day of death. All four Kumaras stood at the door, and the Yam Dutas came. Yamraj saw the four kumaras and said the time for this soul has come; I would like to take him with me. They said we have blessed him with the ability to live long. Yamraj said Lord Brahma Himself has created this rule.

Lord Shiva suddenly appeared and said there is nothing to change; the age is five years, right? Yes, let it be five years. Make it five Brahma years (this will run into millions or even billions of human years). Sage Markandey is alive even today. The father just meditated upon the Lord, and he could change his own destiny and also the destiny of his son.

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

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