Engaging in the following acts destroys life. These are the practices by which we lose our lives and die prematurely. Doing these practices leads to terrible unrest and suffering.
1. Atheism
Those who speak words of atheism, have the spirit of atheism, do actions against the commands of the scriptures, disregard the Guru, violate the commands of the Guru, do not believe in religion and remain devoted to immorality, their age diminishes.
2. Fickleness

Some people with restless nature waste time in useless activities. Some of these acts are chewing straw with teeth, chewing clothes, chewing your fingernails, tearing anything while sitting, eating food eaten by others, eating stale and unholy food, moving legs while sitting and so on. Doing these useless things shortens life.
3. Doing Improper Things In The Evening

Those who eat, have sex or sleep during the evening have a shorter life span. We have to live very carefully. Whoever worships God or meditates on the Lord in the evening increases his life. He attains happiness in the world and the next.
4. Insulting The Sun God
Those who look at the sun at the time of the eclipse and noon, and those who stand towards the sun and urinate or spit, lose their lives.
5. Illicit Relationships
A man who, obsessed with lust, has intercourse with another woman out of wedlock, has intercourse by deception, has intercourse with the feeling of forced rape, the scriptures say that his life is destroyed. The more hair follicles in that woman’s body, the more years that man has to suffer hell.
6. Insult to the Respectful

If a saint or your Guru comes and you stand/sit proudly and do not respect them, your life will be destroyed. If a pregnant woman is coming and you push her or don’t give way, it will become an offence. Your life will be destroyed if you do not give way or cause pain to someone who is infirm, aged, or carrying something heavy.
7. Wearing Other People’s Clothes Or Shoes
You can only wear the shoes or clothes of your Guru and the Lord’s offerings. Don’t wear clothes or shoes others wear; it reduces your life span.
8. Not Being Restrained
Even householders should not have intercourse on holy days like Amavasya, Purnima, Chaturdashi, Ashtami and Ekadashi. You should remain celibate on these days; otherwise, your life expectancy will reduce.
9. Bitter Words And Behaviour
Never say words that pierce the hearts of others. Do not perform any cruel actions. Do not attempt to make anyone look inferior. Never speak harsh words that annoy others or your life will be ruined. A body pierced by arrows can be healed by medicine, but a heart wounded by bad words cannot. Therefore, the scriptures command us never to speak bitter words that hurt the heart of another.
10. Mocking Others / Fault Finding

If someone is blind, lame, or weak, we should talk to them with love. Don’t make fun of them. If you mock them, you will reduce your life. Your good deeds will be destroyed. They must have karma that gave them such a form, limbs, or a painful life. You do not want to hurt them with your words or actions. They should not feel inferior because of you. Scripture forbids looking at the faults of others. The Guru can see the faults of his disciple and punish him to help him progress.
11. Failure To Follow The Rules Of Sanitation
When you are in the restroom, remain silent. Those who are not clean after defecating reduce their life. The scriptures command that you purify yourself after defecation, bathe, and perform ablutions. Purify yourselves and put on your clothes again. If you have urinated, get clean, wash your hands and feet, perform ablutions and remain silent while urinating. When you go to get food, wash your hands, feet and face and eat while meditating on the Lord, otherwise your life will be shortened.
12. Sleeping After Sunrise

For those who sleep till after sunrise, their life span is shortened, and their intelligence becomes dull. If you continue to sleep after sunrise, your attachment to sense objects will increase, and your body will become unhealthy.
13. Contaminating Holy Places
The scriptures do not command us to go to the temple or perform any devotional service without bathing. Even urinating or defecating in a field full of grain, near a temple or under a peepal tree will destroy your life.
We should conduct ourselves according to the commands of the scriptures so that our life span may increase, we remain healthy, and we live happily while remembering the Lord all the time. Following these instructions will make you happy, healthy and prosperous.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj