The Glory Of Living In Vrindavan – Why Should One Live In Vrindavan?

mero vrindavan

Vrindavan is marked by the feet of Shri Radha and is a treasure of all happiness. The trees here provide the most generous and amazing love, and the dust of Vrindavan, who gives great strength, is also present. The Lord has manifested the river Yamuna, full of infinite grace. This place’s birds, animals, and residents provide great joy so that we, deprived of spiritual penances, can get what is impossible, even through great meditation. The revered lord manifests Himself here in the form of Banke Bihari Ji, Radhavallabh Lal Ji, and Radha Raman Ji, to be experienced even by fallen people like us only because of His grace and mercy.

Benefits Of Living In Vrindavan!

One who lives in Vrindavan and is dependent on Vrindavan becomes pure. If someone takes shelter in his body only and finds pleasure in material things, he will become so impure that it will not be wrong to call him a demon. But if the same person lives in Vrindavan and accepts the shelter of the Dham, he will become so pure that Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Narayana, great demigods, and Yogis themselves will aspire to touch him.

Although perhaps that person is a beggar, he enjoys worldly things and has not yet attained the elevated spiritual state, but this thought has come in his heart that only Vrindavan is my shelter, and Radha Krishna are my dear ones, he has become so pure by just this thought. When you become dependent from within, then you will not commit sins because acts against religion happen only by taking shelter of the body. We develop a sense of belonging to our bodies and relatives and consider them a source of happiness, leading to sinful acts. The ultimate form of purity is feeling attached to the Lord and His name and form.

Vrindavan Resident Brings Good To Others!

The one who resides in Vrindavan gets the power to provide Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha to others. Not a renunciate, ascetic or even a sannyasi, here we talk about a person who desires various pleasures. Right now, he is not in a state of love, but he has just accepted the forever residence of Vrindavan, and he has a closeness with Shyama-Shyam from his heart. Due to his past habits and impressions, he has the desire to enjoy pleasures, but he becomes so powerful that if someone in a faraway land contemplates on that Vrindavan resident, then he can provide Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha to the contemplator. He becomes a touchstone.

The Animals And Birds Of Vrindavan Are Great Saints Of The Past

animals of vrindavan

Shripad Prabodhanand Ji says, O Vrindavan, you have such immense glory; make me an animal here. Make me a bird. If I am not worthy of this, make me a straw and keep me with you; never separate me from yourself. Make me a particle of the dust of Vrindavan on which the feet of the devotees keep on touching. I should not go outside the boundary of Vrindavan Dham.

The things that the one who resides in Vrindavan will get will not be available even to those who do great meditation because this is the personal palace of Radha-Krishna. Living here is in itself a great penance, great devotion, great yoga, and great sacrifice. The birds, animals, trees, and dust of Vrindavan – all attain Radha and Krishna.

Love Makes Vrindavan Special

Those who meditate may be blessed, attain superpowers, and attain liberation, but they will not see lord Radha and Krishna dancing in enchantment amidst their infinite companions. This love is not attainable by even the greatest of yogis. The animals and birds here will also attain supreme love. If we are kept as dogs, monkeys or sewer worms in Vrindavan, can we meditate or do any penance? The result of staying here will be that we will get Shri Radha even in that condition. Any insect of Vrindavan is also the companion of Shri Radha. When our divine eyes are enlightened by the grace of the dust of Vrindavan, we will also be able to see this.

krishna and radha in vrindavan

These animals or birds are not ordinary. They are the great souls of the past who rejected even liberation. He has become a bedbug, animal, and bird in Vrindavan. All the birds, animals, and birds here will drown in the love of Radha Krishna. The effect of this place will immerse every resident of Vrindavan in love.

The couple, Radha and Krishna, roam around in this land. Their footprints are on the dust of this place. If even Lord Vishnu’s Vaikunth planet cannot be compared to Vrindavan, what can one say about this material creation of Brahma? If anyone develops even a slight affinity towards Vrindavan, the result will be that he will attain the ultimate love.

Great Devotees Who Did Not Leave Vrindavan In Toughest Times

Once, the king of Datia came to Shri Gauriya Baba (he was in the mood of a friend of lord Krishna) and asked him to come to Datia once. Baba first tried to avoid it, but due to a previous acquaintance, the king insisted a lot. Baba agreed to go with him the next day. The king was very happy and ready to take him. The king saw that Baba was sitting on a donkey. He had blackened his face and was wearing a garland of shoes. The king asked Baba about the appearance. Baba said this is how one who goes away from Vrindavan should look like. The king bowed to him and said Maharaj, you stay here; no need to come with me.

Madhukar Shah (King of Orchha) got the order from Harivansh Mahaprabhu Ji for his Guru Hariram Vyas Ji to leave Vrindavan and go to Orchha. When Hariram Vyas heard that his Gurudev had ordered him to leave Vrindavan, he hugged each creeper of Vrindavan and started crying. How would I be able to live without you? When Madhukar Shah saw this, he started crying and told Hariram Vyas Ji to continue staying in Vrindavan.

Give Up Life, But Not Vrindavan!

If you feel that I can give up my life but not Vrindavan, then you will experience this superpower: You will know the thoughts of your beloved Radha Krishna and start caressing them all the time. What greater superpower can there be than this?

There is no such particle of this land which is not soaked in the tears of great men. Lovers of the lord have cried here in such agony in the separation of their beloved that the lord appeared before them in distress. You can sit in the dust of the feet of such great men who are rare.

Many will cry for the world. But even today, thousands of people in Vrindavan cry in their attachment to the feet of the lord. Just as water is the life of a fish, it struggles and gives up its life when it is separated from it. Similarly, if we feel the same struggle hearing about leaving Vrindavan, we have attained a great superpower.

If The Lord Himself Meets You Outside Vrindavan, Do Not Meet Him!

devotee meditating in vrindavan

Re man Vrindavipin nihaar
Yadpi mile koti chintamani tadapi na haath pasaar
Vipin raaj seema ke baahar Harihoon ko na nihaar
Jai Shri Bhatt, dhoori dhoosar tan, yeh aasa ur dhaar

Shri Bhatt Devacharya

All the sacrifices and meditation are done for the lord. But if He meets you outside Vrindavan, the spiritual masters are stopping us, saying do not go outside the boundary of Vrindavan even for the lord. Even if you get millions of diamonds, gems or touchstones, do not leave Vrindavan. This is because the lord you will find here will be full of love. Here, you will not find a lord who is wealthy, powerful and full of opulence. The lord here is someone’s friend, someone’s son and someone’s loved one. The lord here is near Shri Radha every moment. Because we are residents of Vrindavan, our sight goes first to the feet of Shri Radha. If Shri Radha is not there, we will not see the lord.

It is the miracle of the land of Vrindavan that even the lord and Shri Radha are attached to it. One who is attached to the dust of Vrindavan is a very fortunate and blessed person. Take shelter in Vrindavan and accept residence here.

Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Glorifying Vrindavan

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