When we take shelter of the Lord through the Guru, a relationship with God is established. Even if we are not practising spirituality well, our attainment of God is certain if our relationship with Him is strong. God maintains the relationship. Vitthalnath Ji (Gusain Ji) considered Thakur Ji, his son. He was the second son of Shri Vallabhacharya Ji, the founder of the Vallabh sect.
Thakur Ji’s Reluctance To Drink Milk

Once, Vitthalnath Ji was feeding milk to Shrinath Ji. Thakur Ji drank a sip of milk and returned the bowl. He asked what happened, and Thakur Ji said you have added a lot of sugar, and the milk has become very sweet; I cannot drink it. Vitthalnath ji said, like a father, no problem, drink it like this today. Thakur ji drank the milk and made a face. The next time, Vitthalnath ji mixed less sugar into the milk. Thakur ji drank a sip and put the bowl down. When Vitthalnath ji asked, Thakur ji said the milk was bland today. Vitthalnath Ji said still drink it like this. He caressed Thakur ji a lot, and Thakur ji drank the milk. The next time, Vitthalnath ji gave milk and sugar separately to Thakur ji and said you mix as much sugar as you want.
Thakur ji said why did you do this? Vitthalnath Ji said you don’t like the sugar I mixed; mix it yourself today. Thakur ji said I am your child, and a child does not know how to mix and ran and hugged Vitthalnath ji. Thakur ji asked are you angry with me? You mix sugar in the milk and feed me; I am your child, right? Vitthalnath ji started crying.
Thakurji Did Not Like The Bed
One day, Vitthalnath Ji prepared a bed and bedding for Thakurji to sleep in. Thakurji said this bed is not good. Vitthalnath ji brought another bed. Then Thakurji said this bedding is not good. Vitthalnath ji brought another bedding. Thakurji said I do not like this colour. Vitthalnath Ji brought bedding in another colour. Thakurji repeatedly refused to sleep by making different excuses. Gusainji asked which bed and bedding He would like. Thakurji said I would sleep on your lap. Gusainji hugged him, and then Thakurji slept on his lap.
Shrinath Ji Got Scared Of The Monkey!

Once, a monkey came from Giriraj Govardhan ji and scared Thakurji. Shrinath Ji started crying. Gusainji was in service at that time. Thakur ji ran, came in his lap, and said, “I am afraid of a monkey”. Gusain ji thought, you have killed many fierce demons, as lord Ram, you had an army of monkeys with you, and you are afraid of a monkey? I am not able to understand anything. When Gusain Ji went to sleep, Thakur Ji told him to keep one relationship with Him. There cannot be two swords in one sheath. If you consider me your son, then consider me your son. If you consider me God, I will start showing such opulence that you will not be able to understand it. I am your small child, so I am afraid of a monkey. Gusain ji woke up, and he hugged Thakur ji.
Shri Radha Wore Bangles

Once, a bangle seller came to Gusain ji. Gusain Ji said, make all my daughters-in-law wear bangles, and take the money from me. Gusain Ji had seven sons and seven daughters-in-law. He did not say that make my seven daughters-in-law wear bangles, he said make all my daughters-in-law wear bangles. All his seven daughters-in-law wore bangles, and after that, Shri Radha put forward her hands. When the bangle seller saw Shriji’s hands, she cried joyfully. She started thinking I do not have bangles for such beautiful hands. Shriji indicated which bangles she wanted, and the seller gave her the bangles as per her indication.
When the bangle seller went to Gusainji to take money, he gave money for bangles of seven daughter-in-laws. She said give me money for eight daughter-in-laws, not seven. She said I have made your eight daughters-in-law wear bangles and she started crying while describing the beauty of Shriji. Gusainji did not understand anything but gave the money to avoid the hassle. When Gusainji was sleeping at night, Shri Radha, in a dream, asked him why he was quarrelling with that bangle seller. Don’t you consider Thakur Ji, your son? Am I not your daughter-in-law? I would not have gone if you had asked him to make your seven daughters-in-law wear bangles. But you said make all my daughters-in-law wear bangles, so I also wore bangles. Gusain Ji immediately woke up from sleep and kept sitting and crying the whole night that our Shri Radha is so merciful.
Here, we need to keep one thing in mind. If you serve according to the relationship given by the Guru, your service gets accepted very quickly, and the lord will start talking to you. The worshipable deity is listening to every word of the devotee every moment. After listening to Gusain Ji, Shri Radha went to wear bangles. Our devotion and relationship with the Lord should be strong. Whatever relationship we keep with the lord as per the order of our Gurudev, the lord will make us experience the same.
Vitthal Nath Ji Became Dissatisfied With The Mistake In Service

Once, Vitthalnath ji offered food to Thakur ji, and he saw a straw in the food. He felt very sad that carelessness was being shown while serving Thakur Ji. Due to their carelessness in serving his beloved Thakur ji, he decided to leave all those people and take Sannyasa. Everyone became very sad and started asking him to stay and apologized.
When he went to get permission from Thakur ji, Thakur ji became very sad and said, ” Get me a saffron cloth too; I will also take Sannyasa and come with you. I will not be able to live without you. Gusain ji hugged Thakur ji. Thakur ji said if you are hugging me then listen to me too, stay here. Thakur Ji said if I am not feeling sad due to the mistake in service, then why are you feeling sad. Gusain Ji said you are my son; how can a straw come into your food. We should also remember that we are not just serving the idol; God himself is present there. We should also perform all the services with this feeling without any mistake.
Opposing The Guru Or His Representatives Leads To Misfortune

Vitthalnath ji was the second son of Vallabhacharya ji. After Vallabhacharya ji departed to Golok, his eldest son, Shri Gopinath ji, became the head and took control of all the administrative areas. After some time, Gopinath Ji also departed for Golok. Gopinath ji’s son, Shri Purushottam ji, was still in childhood, so Vitthalnath ji handled all the responsibilities. Vitthalnath ji got to handle all the wealth and service of Shrinath ji. Krishnadas ji, also a disciple of Vallabhacharya ji, convinced Gopinath ji’s wife and son, got Vitthalnath ji removed from all the services, and prohibited his entry into the temple. He took complete control of everything. This became a very big offence against a devotee.
Gusain Ji did not feel bad about losing all his rights, but he felt very bad about losing his service. He was very sad about losing the service and love of Shrinath Ji. If you hurt a devotee, God does not tolerate it. Gusain Ji went and started living in Parsoli. Now, he would come to the place where Shrinath ji’s flag was visible from a distance, and from there, he would look towards the temple and start crying.
A servant named Ramdas ji was serving Thakur ji. He was aware of Gusain Ji’s situation. Although Shri Krishnadas ji also forbade him from meeting Vitthalnath ji, he would still take some time daily and give Shrinath ji’s Betel nut to Vitthalnath ji. Gusain ji would make a garland of flowers for Thakur ji with his hands daily and give it to Ramdas ji for Thakur ji to wear. He would also write a verse of humility every day and ask Ramdas ji to recite it to Thakur ji.
When Emperor Akbar learned about Vitthalnath ji, he ordered to arrest Shri Krishnadas ji. On hearing this, Vitthalnath ji gave up food and water. When Emperor Akbar learned that Vitthalnath ji had given up food and water, he respectfully released Shri Krishnadas ji. When Krishnadas Ji came to know about this, he came to Gusain Ji’s feet and asked for forgiveness from him.

Gusain Ji became silent. If the devotees get angry with you, you are saved, but no one can save you if they become silent. Gusain Ji was silent because he was away from the service of his son, Lord Srinath Ji. Vitthalnath ji again got all the service rights. Krishnadas ji’s departure from this world happened when he fell into a well and had to become a ghost due to the offence against Gusain ji. When Krishnadas ji became a ghost, Vitthalnath ji only saved him.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj