Story Of Sakhubai – God Remained Tied With A Rope For Two Weeks For This Devotee

sakhubai - lord vitthal gets tied with ropes for this devotee

A Brahmin lived in a village in Maharashtra. Only four people were in his house: the Brahmin, his wife, son, and daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law, named Sakhubai, was a very saintly person and a great devotee. Having been in the company of saints and sages since childhood, she was constantly engaged in the remembrance of Lord Krishna. Just as a cow gets trapped in the trap of a butcher, Sakhubai was married in a family where her mother-in-law, father-in-law, and husband all were against her devotion.

Sakhubai’s mother-in-law used to slap her, pull her hair, and abuse her. But Sakhubai never complained to anyone. Even her husband was not in her favour. Sakhubai was in a lot of trouble, but she never forgot God, not even for a moment. And she never hated any of them. Her life was full of suffering, but she never spoke harsh words to anyone. When one remembers God while bearing honor-insult, profit-loss, victory-defeat, and happiness-sorrow with equal feelings, God becomes subservient to him.

sakhubai being scolded by her in laws

Sakhubai Was Harassed A Lot By Her Family Members

Sakhubai was beaten, abused, and treated harshly, but her heart was so filled with love for the lord that it all had no effect. She got old and torn clothes and dry food and was scolded every moment. But she remembered Lord Krishna all the time. The village people felt very sorry for Sakhu’s condition, but no one had the courage to support her. No one could even talk to Sakhu due to fear of her mother-in-law. Sakhubai would experience God’s grace in her mind and think, How kind lord Krishna is! If the husband or the in-laws had loved me, there would have been a hindrance to the love of Lord Krishna.

One day, a neighbour asked Sakhubai, you are being given so much trouble, and you do not take any help! Do you not have a family? Sakhu said smilingly, Do you know where my maternal family is? In Pandharpur. And do you know who my relatives are? Lord Vitthal and Goddess Rukmani ji. They have a huge family—innumerable children. I feel that they have forgotten me while providing for innumerable children. That’s why they are not able to come to me. But they are very kind to me.

sakhubai thinking of lord vitthal

Sakhubai Ran Away With The Group Of Devotees

Pandharpur is a famous pilgrimage in Maharashtra. A huge fair is held there on Ekadashi. Millions of men and women from far and wide enthusiastically travel to Pandharpur, chanting the name of the Lord and dancing to see Lord Vitthal. When the day of the journey came, groups of devotees started going from various places to Pandharpur, singing and dancing. Seeing the gathering of devotees singing the praises of the lord, Sakhubai’s heart broke. She thought about what to do. Such a big celebration is taking place for my beloved. If I ask my mother-in-law, I will definitely get beaten. The mother-in-law, father-in-law, and husband will definitely not let me go.

Sakhubai used to go to the Krishna River to fetch water. She took the pitcher and went out on the pretext of filling it with water from the Krishna River. Sakhu’s heart swelled with love after seeing the devotees chanting the lord’s names loudly. With a strong desire to go to Pandharpur, she kept the pitcher there and ran away with a group of devotees.

A neighbour saw her leaving; she ran to her mother-in-law and said, “Look, your daughter-in-law has run away with the congregation of saints.” The mother-in-law and husband took out big sticks and ran to find her. When they reached there, they saw that Sakhubai was immersed in devotion. Devotees were in great joy and chanting names.

Furious with anger, she went among all the saints, caught hold of Sakhu’s hair, dragged her outside, and started hitting her with the stick. Sakhubai was beaten with sticks. After going inside the house, all three together beat her. Sakhubai just kept saying O’Vitthal, O’Krishna, and O’Govind! The mother-in-law said this is just a minor beating; she is not going to give her resolve with this. Beat her so much that she cannot walk; otherwise, she will run away and travel to Pandharpur. And listen, two weeks are still left for the journey to Pandharpur. Bind her and tie her to a pole. Do not give her any food or water, and beat her daily. Only then will she obey. On the orders of her mother-in-law, Sakhubai’s husband and father-in-law tied her up, beat her, and stopped giving her food.

sakhubai gets tied by her family

How Should Be The Mood Of A Devotee When Faced With Sorrow?

With a desire in her heart, she said, O’ Lord Krishna, how much happiness I got among your devotees. For the first time, I got to dance in a devotee group. I was going to see you. It is not my power to come out of this hell in my lifetime. O Lord, is it not possible that I may see you in this birth? Can’t I come to the temple and dance among your devotees? I am very fallen and lowly; I cannot come to you alone. Oh Lord, please, this is a beautiful opportunity. Groups of devotees are going. The opportunity to see you will not come again.

Lord Vitthal Tied As Sakhubai

When Sakhubai was thinking about the lord, how can the lord remain peaceful? When Rukmani Ji saw Him, He was sad and worried. She asked O’lord, Why are you worried? I feel that you get worried only when your devotees are in trouble. It looks like some devotee is in trouble. God said yes! One of my devotees is being beaten and troubled. She is tied up, and she wants to meet me. Sakhubai is calling me. I will not tell you the whole secret; you will have to bear separation from me for a few days because, for this devotee, I will have to stay at her home for a few days, and only then will things be resolved. He said this to Rukmaniji and immediately went near Sakhubai.

The Lord took the form of a very beautiful young woman and said, Sakhubai, I have heard that you want to go to Pandharpur, so will you come with me to Pandharpur? Sakhubai suddenly opened her eyes and saw that someone spoke to her lovingly. Sakhubai looked at her and said, “Friend, it is not my fate as a sinner that I should go to Pandharpur with a group of devotees.” You are seeing my condition. Thakurji, in the form of a woman, said, you don’t know me; I have known you for a long time; you are my very dear friend. I will untie your rope, and you run away and go with the group. Lord Vitthal took out Sakhubai, and He himself took the form of Sakhubai and got tied in a rope. 

lord vitthal gets tied for sakhubai

Change In The Behaviour Of Sakhubai’s Family Due To The Service By The Lord

Remembering whose name breaks the bondage of Maya, who is rare for even the great sages to attain, the same Lord got tied for the sake of his devotee Sakhubai like an ordinary woman. Thakurji gets slapped, and he accepts it silently. It had been many days since he got food or water, and he was beaten daily. The all-powerful Lord is being beaten but is not saying a word, just like Sakhubai. Sakhubai’s husband felt bad for her and untied her after two weeks.

Per her husband’s orders, the Lord, in the form of Sakhu Bhai, took a bath, prepared a delicious meal, and served it to her husband and in-laws. A lot of love rose in the hearts of all three after having the meal prepared by the lord. In the form of Sakhu, God changed the nature of her husband, mother-in-law, and father-in-law through His service and beautiful behaviour. All three started loving the lord in the form of Sakhubai.

Sakhubai Reached Pandharpur

Sakhubai reached Pandharpur and danced while singing the holy name of the lord. She forgot that someone else was tied in her place in God’s love. She went to the temple, saw the lord, and drowned in an ocean of bliss. Sakhubai felt so emotional that she took a vow before God that, as long as she had life in her body, she would not go outside the limits of Pandharpur. Little did she know that the lord Himself was tied there instead. Sakhubai, enamored with love, got engaged in the meditation of Pandurang. She became so enthralled by the beauty of God that she lost her life.

sakhubai dancing in kirtan at pandharpur

Sakhubai’s Funeral And Rebirth

A Brahmin from her village was part of the group. He saw Sakhubai’s dead body. He called his friends, and everyone together performed the last rites on Sakhubai’s body. Here, Rukmaniji thought that Krishna had left after telling me he would be coming in a few days, but he had not returned. Then, with her powers, she saw that the person for whom Krishna left had died, and the last rites of the body were also done. Now, my Lord will have to live there as a daughter-in-law. Rukmaniji was very worried.

Rukmaniji reached the crematorium, collected Sakhubai’s ashes, bones, etc., looked at them with love, and gave Sakhubai her life back. Sakhubai felt as if she had woken up from a deep sleep. Rukmaniji said in her dream at night, Look, daughter, your vow has been fulfilled. You had said that as long as I have life in this body, I will not go outside the limits of Pandharpur. That body of yours got burned. Now you go back; my beloved Krishna is there in your form. After receiving the order, Sakhubai bowed to her and, in two days, returned back to her house.

Sakhubai’s Return

sakhubai meets lord vitthal

Knowing about Sakhu’s arrival, Lord, dressed as Sakhu, thought there would be a mess if she came here and I also stayed here. Thakurji immediately took the pot, came to the river to fill the water, and met Sakhubai in the guise of the former friend.

As soon as Sakhubai saw her, she remembered everything. Sakhubai ran and hugged her and said, “Friend, by your grace, I got to go to Pandharpur; I saw my Thakur. She touched her feet, saying, Sister, you must have suffered a lot in my place. Thakurji said, Don’t worry, you are happy, right? She Said yes. Thakur Ji said there is no need to worry; I did not face any trouble. If you find happiness, then every trouble is pleasant to me. You take this pitcher, fill it with water, and go back. Sakhubai returned to her place with a pitcher full of water, and Thakurji disappeared.

Sakhubai’s Divine Position Revealed To Her Family

Sakhubai reached home and was surprised to see the changed nature of her mother-in-law, father-in-law, and husband. The next day, the Brahmin who had performed the last rites of Sakhubai’s body came to their house. He said I have come to give some news. Your daughter-in-law had gone to Pandharpur, where she passed away after seeing Thakur Ji, so I recognized her and cremated her body there. Did you hear about this? They laughed at him and said our daughter-in-law is inside the house. They called for Sakhubai, and she was in front of him. He lost his senses. At the insistence of the Brahmin, they called Saku and asked, “Dear daughter-in-law, we had tied you here, but he is saying that you went to Pandharpur and died there, and they set you on fire. How to make sense of all this?

Sakhubai said that whatever he is saying is absolutely true. After you had tied me, a young woman came and helped me. Untied me. I went to Pandharpur with the devotees, and she remained confined here. She continued to experience all the adverse behaviour of yours. I had definitely gone to Pandharpur. One day, I even fainted there. Later, I came to know that I was dead; my body was burned. But Rukmaniji brought me back to life and asked me to return back here.

When I came near the Krishna River, the woman who had untied me gave me the pot and went away. Do you guys know who she was? Her in-laws said they had no idea. Sakhu Bai said, later, I learned He was my lord Panduranga. You people are very fortunate that you got to see my beloved lord. On hearing this, Sakhubai’s in-laws fell at her feet, saying we did not recognize you. In our house, there is such a supreme devotee, a supreme saint, who is blessed by the Lord. We have tortured you a lot; please have mercy on us. Saint Sakhubai preached devotion to them. All three of them attained the Lord by engaging in devotion with the grace of Sakhubai. 

sakhubais family gets to know about her devotion


If the worshiper is moving ahead in the path of devotion and adversity comes, then be happy that the lord is about to come. Our Lord is watching us every moment. Never be disappointed. No matter how much pain and suffering you may face, never think of giving pain to the one who gives you pain. Bear with joy, and He will bless you.

Narrated By: Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Narrating The Story Of Sakhubai

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