Jagai And Madhai’s Deliverance – The Special Kindness Of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
lord chaitanya mahaprabhu forgives jagai and madhai

During the time of Lord Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, two cruel individuals named Jagai and Madhai lived in Navadvipa. Although they were born into a Brahmin family, both possessed extremely demonic natures. Jagai and Madhai were very close brothers. Drinking alcohol, eating meat, engaging in immoral activities, and tormenting the poor were part of their daily lives. Their cruel behaviour knew no bounds. They had the backing of the king’s army and security forces, which made them very powerful in Navadvipa. With no control over them, they would spread terror throughout the town, causing suffering to people. They had no understanding of religion, saintly association, or the chanting of the Lord’s name. Whenever they heard about a wealthy person, they would raid the place with their army and loot it.

Nityananda Mahaprabhu’s Encounter With Jagai and Madhai

lord nityanand mahaprabhu with haridas thakur

Once upon a time, the camp of Jagai and Madhai was set up near the residence of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The people of the surrounding neighbourhoods were terrified, unsure of what havoc these demons would wreak with their army. One day, while Jagai and Madhai were wandering around the town, intoxicated by alcohol, they encountered Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur. Upon seeing the saintly appearance of Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur, Jagai and Madhai started hurling abuses at them. Nityananda Mahaprabhu asked the people, “Who are these individuals cursing at saints?” The people replied, “Please stay away from them. These two are extremely cruel and violent.” They warned Nityananda Mahaprabhu to stay away from them, as they showed no respect to anyone and could attack anyone at any time.

Nityananda Mahaprabhu said, “These are the true candidates for the Lord’s mercy. We will preach to them about the chanting of the Lord’s name. If sinners like them are not redeemed by chanting the Lord’s holy name, then what is the holy name’s greatness?” The mere resolution of God-loving saints can elevate the most sinful beings to the highest spiritual state. Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur decided to preach the holy name to Jagai and Madhai, regardless of their wickedness.

Preaching Of The Holy Name And Challenges Faced

lord chaitanya mahaprabhu with lord nityanand mahaprabhu

Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur carefully held hands as they walked, ready to flee if any unpleasant event occurred. As they neared Jagai and Madhai’s camp, they saw the king’s soldiers and strict security. The soldiers stopped them and asked, “Where are you going?” They responded, “We have been summoned. We need to speak with Jagai and Madhai.” The soldiers allowed them in. Upon entering, they saw Jagai and Madhai drinking alcohol.

When Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur approached them, Jagai and Madhai asked, “What do you want?” Nityananda Mahaprabhu said, “Chant the name of Krishna, serve Krishna, take the name of Krishna! Krishna is your mother, Krishna is your father, Krishna is your wealth and life! Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.” Saying this, they began chanting the holy names. Seeing this, Jagai and Madhai became enraged and shouted, “Hey! Get them out of here! Who allowed them in?” They then began chasing Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur to beat them.

Nityananda Mahaprabhu turned to Haridas Thakur and said, “Run!” Both ran away swiftly. Once they reached a safe distance, Haridas, panting, said, “See! What kind of preaching was that? Did it have any effect on them? I say we should avoid associating with such people. It will be better for us. These people will never change.” Nityananda Mahaprabhu laughed and replied, “We have planted the seed of the holy name. One day, they will change.”

The Story Of Jagai And Madhai Reaches Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

lord chaitanya with nityanand prabhu

As soon as Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur returned to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He asked, “Look, the leaders of the preaching group are here. What’s the report from today’s preaching in the town?” Haridas said, “Nityananda Mahaprabhu is very restless. Today, we barely escaped a beating.” Saying this, Haridas narrated the entire event. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu laughed and said, “With Nityananda’s grace, there is no sinner who cannot be delivered.” Saying this, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu decided to deliver Jagai and Madhai.

Villagers came to inform Nityananda Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur that trouble was looming over the lord’s devotees. They warned that it was no longer safe for the preachers to stay in the town. Nityananda Mahaprabhu reassured them that there was no need to fear, as the devotees were under the protection of Lord Krishna.

Madhai Attacks Nityananda Mahaprabhu

lord nityanand mahaprabhu attacked by jagai madhai

One night, as Nityananda Mahaprabhu was returning home, he saw Jagai and Madhai, drunk, heading towards the city. Mahaprabhu loudly called out, “Krishna Krishna!” as if to provoke them. Madhai, in anger, asked, “Who is singing? Who dares not to fear me?” Nityananda Mahaprabhu replied, “Why should I fear you? What do you have that would make me afraid?” Madhai retorted, “Who are you? Haven’t you heard my name? Where are you going so late at night?” Nityananda Mahaprabhu answered, “I’m going for sankirtan (congregational chanting of the holy name), which is not in your destiny.” Madhai asked, “What’s your name?” Nityananda Mahaprabhu responded, “Avadhut!” Madhai, mocking him, said, “Avadhut? What kind of name is that? You don’t know my power!”

In his anger, Madhai picked up a nearby pitcher and struck Nityananda Mahaprabhu on the head, causing blood to flow. His clothes turned red, yet Nityananda Mahaprabhu showed no anger and instead prayed to God, “Lord, now please deliver them. I cannot bear to see their suffering!” Madhai was enraged and ready to attack again, but Jagai grabbed his hand. Jagai, who had a softer nature than Madhai, said, “Don’t you see that he’s praying for your well-being? You’re too drunk to understand, but he’s praying to God for your welfare. Don’t attack again.”

Jagai calmed Madhai and dragged him away. Madhai, still furious, said, “Why did you stop me? I will kill him.” Jagai, trying to reason, said, “He’s a sannyasi, and he’s on the right path.” Meanwhile, covered in blood, Nityananda Mahaprabhu continued singing the holy names joyfully, unconcerned about his wounds.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Summons Sudarshan Chakra in Anger

lord chaitanya mahaprabhu punishes jagai madhai with sudarshan chakra

As Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was about to start the kirtan, someone rushed in and said, “Mahaprabhu! Madhai has attacked Nityananda Mahaprabhu.” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was stunned and said, “He attacked Nityananda! My dearest Nityananda has been harmed?” Without delay, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ran, followed by a crowd of devotees playing drums and cymbals. When they arrived, they found Nityananda Mahaprabhu dancing in ecstasy, his clothes and the ground around him stained with blood.

Seeing Nityananda Ji in such a state, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu roared angrily as if summoning the Sudarshan Chakra. But Nityananda Mahaprabhu held his feet and said, “Lord, no! Your incarnation is not to destroy sinners but to deliver them. Have mercy on them and save them.” Nityananda Mahaprabhu prayed, “I want these sinners to become lovers of God.” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu calmed down, and the other devotees also prayed for Nityananda Ji’s wish to be fulfilled. Everyone realized that the Sudarshan Chakra was about to descend to destroy Jagai and Madhai, but Nityananda Mahaprabhu’s prayer stopped it.

The Transformation And Deliverance Of Jagai And Madhai

nityanand mahaprabhu with jagai and madhai

Thakur Haridas told Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, “Lord, it’s time for their deliverance. Madhai struck Nityananda Mahaprabhu, but Jagai saved him.” Hearing this, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s heart swelled with emotion. He said, “Jagai saved my Nityananda? Where is he?” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ran to embrace Jagai and said, “You protected my beloved Nityananda. Who could be dearer to me than you?” With Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s embrace, Jagai fainted. When he regained consciousness, he fell at Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s feet, pleading, “Lord, please save me.” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s embrace washed away his sins, and he began to cry. “Lord, if you are pleased with me, please forgive my brother Madhai.”

Madhai, trembling, was filled with guilt for striking a holy man. Deep in thought, he collapsed and clung to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s feet, saying, “Lord, I too am a sinner. Have mercy on me.” Both brothers repeatedly fell at his feet. The entire city was astonished to see these demons in such a state. This was all due to the grace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tearfully said, “Madhai, I cannot forgive you because you struck Nityananda Mahaprabhu. If he forgives you, I will also forgive you.”

Madhai rushed to Nityananda Mahaprabhu’s feet and wept. Nityananda Mahaprabhu said, “Brother, I never considered your actions a sin.” As Madhai cried out in remorse, Nityananda Mahaprabhu embraced him. With a gesture, Nityananda Mahaprabhu indicated that Madhai should seek forgiveness from Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Understanding this, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu embraced Madhai and said, “Nityananda, you have saved Jagai and Madhai. Today, I give them my protection. No sin will touch them now.” Nityananda Mahaprabhu said, “Lord, this is your glory. You always credit your devotees.” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu embraced both brothers and said, “Today, I grant you the title of Maha Bhagavat (great souls) and make you sinless.” Jagai and Madhai kept bowing at his feet, and their hearts became pure. The city rejoiced at Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s divine grace, and drums sounded as everyone sang the Lord’s name.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Turns Dark from Jagai-Madhai’s Sins

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu then told Jagai and Madhai, “Both of you stand in the Ganges and fill water in your hands. Say that you offer all the sins of your life to me.” The brothers hesitated and said, “No, we deserve punishment. We are sinners and should be punished. We are grateful that you are calm and will spend the rest of our lives chanting your name, but we cannot give our sins to you.” Mahaprabhu insisted, “Obey my order.” The devotees also urged them to follow Mahaprabhu’s command. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took water from the Ganges and declared, “I accept all their sins from their past lives.”

For a moment, Mahaprabhu’s golden complexion turned dark due to the weight of their sins. Standing in the Ganga, he took all their sins and transformed them into great devotees. Jagai and Madhai spent the rest of their lives chanting the holy names of God.

Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Narrating The Story Of Deliverance Of Jagai And Madhai

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