The Glory of Prasad: The Story of Devotee Angad Ji

The Glory of Prasad - The Story of Devotee Angad Ji

Never consume food that has not been offered to God. Only partake of the food that has been offered to Him, as it becomes Prasad. There was a devotee named Angad Ji. Initially, he was an atheist, but his wife was a devoted follower of God. In her parental home, saints were regularly served, and she often got the opportunity to listen to the sermons of her Guru.

After her marriage, when she came to live with Angad Ji, she noticed that although there was royal splendor in the household, there was neither the presence of saints nor any visits from them. There were no discussions about God, no spiritual discourses, and no spiritual gatherings.

The Queen’s Distress and Invitation to Saints

The Queen’s Distress and Invitation to Saints

The queen became very distressed. In her parental home, she would receive the remnants of food from saints daily and frequently have the divine darshan of her revered Guru. However, in her husband’s home, there was no atmosphere of devotion. Angad Ji had one notable quality—he deeply respected his wife as a devoted follower of God and never opposed her spiritual practices. However, he himself did not engage in devotional activities, nor did he have reverence for saints and sages, nor did he worship the Lord.

After many days without seeing saints, the queen became extremely restless. She wrote a letter to her family, requesting them to plead with her Guru to graciously visit her once, as she was unable to leave, and her husband had no faith in saints. Moved by compassion, the Guru agreed to come when her royal family requested him.

Angad Ji's wife was overjoyed at the Guru’s arrival

The queen was overjoyed at the Guru’s arrival. She gratefully received the holy water from his feet, performed aarti, offered food, and respectfully seated the Guru. Then, she gently began to press his feet in reverence. Just then, Angad Ji entered and saw his wife holding the feet of a saint. This sight enraged him, and he began to speak harshly to the saint. The queen was utterly shocked! After so many prayers and efforts, the Guru himself had arrived, and now her husband was insulting him! But the Guru, maintaining his composure, signaled the queen to remain calm. Without saying a word, he rose and quietly left.

The Queen’s Vow and Angad Ji’s Transformation

The Queen's Vow and Angad Ji's Transformation

The queen took a firm vow and declared, “I will no longer sustain my life. Since my Guru and my Lord have been insulted, I will neither touch you nor speak to you, nor will I partake of any food or water from your household. I will destroy my body, for it was at my invitation that my Guru was dishonored.”

Angad Ji was deeply attached to his wife. Hearing her solemn vow, his heart was filled with distress. He, too, renounced food and water. As several days passed, he fell at his wife’s feet and pleaded, “You know that I cannot live without you. Please tell me how I can make you happy.”

The queen replied, “If you truly wish to please me, then go to our Guru and humbly seek his forgiveness. Convince him to return here, and offer food to the Lord in his presence. If he accepts the offering and partakes of it, we will receive his sacred remnants as Prasad, and our lives will return to normal.”

The Guru’s Grace and Angad Ji’s Transformation

The Guru’s Grace and Angad Ji’s Transformation

Angad Ji did not go to his wife’s Guru out of devotion but rather due to his deep attachment to his wife. He fell at the Guru’s feet and begged for forgiveness. Saints, by nature, are full of compassion—no matter how many times they are insulted, if someone sincerely surrenders to them, they readily bestow their grace. The Guru agreed to return with him.

Together, Angad Ji and his wife washed the Guru’s feet, offered food to the Lord, and then partook of the sacred holy water from washing the Guru’s feet. Though Angad Ji was doing all this merely to please his wife and not out of devotion, the moment he drank the holy water, deep repentance arose in his heart. He thought, “How blind I have been! I harbored such negativity towards saints, and yet, look how merciful they are!”

His previously skeptical mind now started contemplating in the right direction. He turned to his wife and said, “Our life so far has been wasted. Please tell me how to practice devotion properly.” Gradually, he began assisting in the service of the Lord. He resolved never to eat anything unless it was first offered to the Lord. Over the years, this became his way of life—first offering food to the Lord and then accepting only the Prasad.

Furthermore, Angad Ji appointed four attendants with the specific duty of seeking out saints wherever they could be found and inviting them home to partake in the food offering.

Angad Ji Offers a Priceless Diamond to Lord Jagannath

Angad Ji Offers a Priceless Diamond to Lord Jagannath

Angad Ji was a brave warrior and also the king’s nephew. Once, he waged war against a king, emerged victorious, and claimed his crown as a trophy. The crown was adorned with 101 diamonds, one of which was exceptionally priceless. Angad Ji recognized the immense value and significance of this particular diamond.

He returned the rest of the diamonds to the king but kept the priceless one, declaring, “This diamond shall be set in Lord Jagannath’s crown.” However, some ministers and self-indulgent courtiers instigated the king, saying, “That diamond is worth more than your entire treasury! You must reclaim it at all costs!” The king, maintaining his composure, humbly requested Angad Ji, “Please return the diamond to us.” But Angad Ji remained resolute and replied firmly, “No, I have already dedicated this diamond to Lord Jagannath.”

The King’s Conspiracy Against Angad Ji

The King's Conspiracy Against Angad Ji

It takes no time for a person’s intellect to change. A wicked thought corrupted the king’s mind, and he decided that Angad Ji must be killed. However, since he was Angad Ji’s uncle, killing him directly would bring disgrace upon the royal court. So, the king devised a cunning conspiracy.

He attempted to turn Angad Ji’s sister—who was responsible for preparing meals in the royal kitchen—to his side. In royal families, only the most trusted individuals were allowed to cook, and Angad Ji’s sister held that position. Tempting her with riches, the king said, “I will give you as much wealth as you desire—just mix poison into Angad Ji’s food.”

The king personally handed her the poison and had it mixed into the meal. Angad Ji, unaware of this scheme, followed his usual practice—he first offered the food to Lord. After the offering was made, he sat down to eat.

The Glory of Prasadam – The Poison Fails to Harm Angad Ji

The Glory of Prasadam – The Poison Fails to Harm Angad Ji

Angad Ji’s niece, who dined with him daily, was suddenly missing. Concerned, he asked, “Where is the little one? Call her!” His sister lied, “She has gone out to play.” But Angad Ji, sensing something was amiss, firmly declared, “No, I will not eat until she comes.” These words struck deep in his sister’s heart. She thought, “A man who loves my daughter so dearly—how can I poison him?” Overcome with guilt, she broke down in tears and cried, “Brother, do not eat this food!”

Shocked, Angad Ji asked, “Why?” Sobbing uncontrollably, she confessed, “The king tempted me with riches and corrupted my mind. I added poison to this meal.” Hearing this, Angad Ji remained calm and consoled her, “Do not worry. I have already offered this food to the lord. If it contained poison, it has now become His Prasadam. How can I reject it?”

Saying this, Angad Ji consumed the entire meal—even licking the leftovers from the plate. But an astonishing miracle occurred! The poison had no effect on him whatsoever. He remained perfectly healthy and unharmed, as if nothing had happened!

The Glory of Prasadam – Conclusion

Revered Pandit Gaya Prasad Ji Maharaj says: “Never consume food without first offering it to the Lord. Always regard your meals as Thakur Ji’s Prasadam. If you find yourself in a situation where formal offering is not possible, then close your eyes for a moment, remember the lord, mentally dedicate the food to Him, chant His name a few times, and then partake of it. Even water should not be consumed without offering it first. Doing so will purify and sanctify your mind and intellect.”

Guidance By: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Narrating The Story Of Angad Ji

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