How Two Brothers Met Lord Dwarkadhish: The Story of Alh Ji and Kolh Ji

alh ji and kolh ji meet dwarkadhish

There were two brothers. The elder brother was Kolh ji, a great recluse; he did not even touch any food in the mode of ignorance. He used to chant the name of God all the time and remained in the meditation of God. His younger brother was Alh Ji; he used to eat and drink everything, enjoyed royal pleasures and used to sit with the prince. He was not interested in singing the praises of God but in singing the praises of the kings and enjoying their pleasures. But the special thing was that he respected his elder brother a lot; he always remained humble in front of him. There was no difference in his eyes between God and his elder brother.

alh ji kolh ji

Alh Ji and Kolh Ji reached Dwarkapuri

The elder brother, Kolh Ji, felt sad from within, seeing his younger brother, who remains humble in front of him but behind his back, behave arbitrarily. What should he do? He thought that if he took Alh ji before God once, perhaps his mind would change. Kolh ji invited his younger brother to go to Dwarkapuri with him to see lord Dwarkadhish. The good fortune that arises for the one who prostrates before Lord Krishna once is not experienced even by the one who performs huge sacrifices. The one who prostrates before Lord Krishna once gets the fruit of ten horse sacrifices. But the difference is that the one who performs horse sacrifices can be born again, but the one who prostrates before lord Krishna is not born again. Alh ji considered Kolh ji like God, so he obeyed and went with him. The two of them reached Dwarkapuri.

alh ji and kolh ji meet dwarkadheesh

When Dwarkadhish Himself Uttered, “Wow!”

Kolh ji recited a holy verse to please God. When you visit your Thakur’s temple, you should also recite a verse full of his glory to please him. When Kolh ji was reciting the verse, Alh ji stood quietly with folded hands. God loves those who have devotion for the feet of his devotees, and such people are humble. These two special characteristics were in Alh ji. Although Alh Ji was behaving in the wrong way, he considered his devotee brother equal to God and considered himself very lowly.

After reciting the verse, Kolh ji said to Alh ji, you are also a very good singer; you sing in the court of kings; sing something for lord Dwarkadhish. Alh Ji said hesitantly how can I sing? I do not have devotion; I do not have that quality which pleases God. Kolh Ji said that it’s my order. Obeying the order of the elder brother, Alh ji recited a verse related to the Lord’s Braj Leela in a very beautiful voice. On hearing the verse, lord Dwarkadhish himself said, “Wow!”. The entire temple was surprised that Dwarkadhish spoke from the idol of the Lord.

Kolh Ji Got Angry With The Lord

kolh ji angry at dwarkadhish

The first surprise was that, to date, no miracle had ever appeared in front of Kolh ji. Before this, Alh Ji had never come to see the Lord, but today, he came for the first time, and God said wow to him. Kolh ji was hurt that I have been coming to see him every day for so many years, but God never said wow. God told his servant to go and garland Alh ji.

When the servant started garlanding Alh ji, he said that God would not have given it to me; I am a lowly man and behave badly. He must have given it to my brother; he has been engaged in devotion from birth, so give it to him. The servant said no, God has said by name to give it to Alh ji. Saying this, he garlanded Alh ji. Now Kolh ji’s gaze changed, and he started looking angrily at God. He thought that since childhood, I had been worshipping God, but to date, he has never praised me, and this younger brother who came to see Him for the first time, the lord praised him and gave him garlands. He felt that God had insulted him.

Kolh Ji Saw The Divine Dwarkapuri


Kolh ji thought that the one I used to worship has insulted me. He thought it appropriate to commit suicide. He became so jealous of his brother that he jumped into the sea. Kolh Ji kept drowning in the sea, and when he reached the bottom, he saw the divine land. He reached Dwarkapuri. If such a devotee wants to drown, will God let him? God’s ministers told him that God had called him and told Kolh ji to come. He told the ministers to feed him the lord’s sanctified food and bring two plates. Kolh ji thought that some other devotee must have come out. When the second plate was also served, he asked the Lord, Lord, who would eat in it?

God said this is for Alh ji. His jealousy increased. God said this is for your younger brother Alh ji, who is very dear to you too. His face changed completely; he looked at the Lord with anger again. God said, don’t be angry, you don’t know. Let me tell you who he is and how much he loves me.

God Narrated The Story Of Alh Ji’s Previous Birth

alh ji performing penance in past life

The person you are jealous of today, his path was blocked in his previous life because of lust. Your worship is much less than his worship. If you come to know about your brother, you will never be jealous of him. You cannot be equal to him. You know he is my most beloved devotee. He was a prince in his previous life. Even though he had been a prince since childhood, he renounced all his pleasures and became a recluse. He was entitled to the royal position but renounced the royal pleasures and started worshipping me in a forest while suffering hardships. He was continuously worshipping me with all his mind and intellect.

After a long time, a king came to that forest with his entire entourage for entertainment. He saw his royal splendour, many beautiful girls and luxuries. Alh Ji had a desire to enjoy sensual pleasures. He thought that if I had not become a renunciant, I would also have the same pleasure. That desire became so strong that his worship stopped. He thought about how he could get pleasure. He died with a strong desire to enjoy worldly pleasures.

In this birth, I gave him a very healthy and radiant body. I also made him friends with the prince. I gave him birth in the house of a great devotee, and he became your brother. He was perfect in his previous birth; only this lust came. So, in this birth, I showed him the scene of lust, and now he has become perfect again.

Kolh Ji’s ignorance Was Destroyed

kolh ji forgives alh ji

You are performing devotion in this birth, but what result has your devotion brought that you are jealous of your own brother? You jumped into the sea to give up your life. And he still loves you a lot. The day you jumped into the sea, he also wanted to jump into the sea simultaneously, but people caught him. Even today, he has not eaten food and water and is ready to give up his life for you. And you are so jealous; what kind of devotee are you? Take this food and go; your younger brother has given up food and water during your separation. If you do not reach, he will give up his life in your separation. Go quickly.

All his ignorance was destroyed, and he felt immense love for his brother. Alh Ji heard that Kolh Ji saw Lord Dwarkadhish, so he welcomed him by bowing to him. Both brothers met with tears in their eyes, ate the sanctified food sent by the lord, and after living in the forest for the rest of their lives, attained the lord.


Alh Ji was so troubled by his lust that he had to take another birth. But he did not fall. Then, he became a recluse again in this life, and his devotion was completed. The Lord is watching every minute of your devotion. Do not think no one is watching, and do what pleases you. Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says that my devotee never gets destroyed; my devotion is eternal. If you are negligent, there may be some hindrance, but you will surely attain God.

Narrated By: Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Narrating The Story Of Alh Ji and Kolh Ji

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