Spiritual Journey of Premanand Ji Maharaj – Varanasi to Vrindavan

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
premanand ji maharaj in radha keli kunj

He was drawn to the splendour of Vrindavan one day while meditating beneath a huge banyan tree in Kashi on the bank of Tulsi Ghat. He was suddenly struck with the thought, “How will Vrindavan be?” However, he had no prior knowledge of this and was unrelated. Then, a saint asked him to see “Ras Leela” the following day. Vasant, a local Kashi man, persisted despite Maharaj Ji’s many rejections, and eventually, Maharaj Ji consented and accepted it as the Lord’s will.

The troupe of Swami Shriram Sharma of Vrindavan directed this Raas Leela programme. Maharaj ji liked Raas Leela so much that he watched it for a month. After witnessing Shri Radha Krishna’s Raas, he became so captivated that he could not live without it. He used to watch the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the morning and Sri Shyama Shyama in the evening. After a month, he planned to visit Vrindavan since he was so fascinated with these activities that he could not fathom living without them.

This month turned out to be pivotal in his life. Later, without realising that Vrindavan would permanently steal his heart, Maharaj Ji took the train to Mathura on the suggestion of Swamiji with the assistance of a student of Shri Narayan Das Bhaktamali (Buxar Wale Mamaji).

The Transformation from Sannyasi to Radhavallabhi Saint

When Maharaj Ji arrived in Vrindavan, no one knew him. Vrindavan Parikrama and the darshan of Shri Banke Bihari were part of his early routine. Someone informed him that besides Banke Bihari Ji’s temple, he should also visit Shri Radhavallabh Ji’s temple. Maharaj ji had never even heard of the Radhavallabh temple before this. He then proceeded to seek Radhavallabh ji’s darshan. Maharaj Ji used to watch and admire Radhavallabh Ji for hours.

The temple priests recognised his love, and everyone grew fond of Maharaj Ji. Shri Hit Mohit Maral Goswami read a verse from the Shri Radha Sudhanidhi Ji one day. Maharaj Ji was proficient in Sanskrit, yet even so, he was unable to understand the verse’s profound significance. He was then encouraged to chant “Shri Harivansh” by Goswami Ji. At first, Maharaj Ji was hesitant to comply. But by the grace of Sri Hita Harivansh Mahaprabhu, the chanting of his holy name started in his mind automatically the moment he started the Vrindavan Parikrama the following day. Thus, he became convinced of the power of this sacred name, Sri Harivansh Mahaprabhu.”

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One morning, as they were doing the Parikrama, Maharaj Ji was mesmerised by the sound of a sakhi (a female) singing a pada (holy phrase). “Shri Priya- Vadan Chabi Chand Mano, Pritam- Nain- Chakor, Prem- Sudha- Ras- Madhuri, Paan Karat Nisi- Bhor” were the words that were spoken. In his conversation with the Sakhi, he asked her to clarify the verse she was singing. “Baba, to comprehend this verse, you must first become Radhavallabhi; otherwise, you won’t understand the meaning of this love interest in this Sannyasi costume,” she remarked with a smile. With inquisitiveness, Maharaj ji immediately enquired, “How does one become Radhavallabhi? Following the Sakhi’s instructions, Maharaj Ji enthusiastically went straight to Radhavallabh’s Goswami to receive initiation.

Meeting His Guru

Maharaj Ji received the “Sharanagat Mantra” initiation in the Radhavallabh sect from Shri Hit Mohit Maral Goswami. A few days later, Maharaj Ji visited his current Sadgurudev, Pujya Shri Hit Gaurangi Sharanji Maharaj, also called Bade Maharaj Ji, who is one of the most renowned and revered Saints of Sahachari Bhava, at the insistence of Pujya Shri Goswami Ji. Maharaj Ji received the “Nij Mantra” initiation of “Sahachari Bhava” and “Nitya Vihar Rasa” from Pujya Shri Hit Gaurangi Sharanji Maharaj.

For ten years, Maharaj Ji served his Sadgurudev (Pujya Shri Hit Gaurangi Sharanji Maharaj), completing all tasks assigned to him with utmost dedication. With the blessings of his Sadgurudeva and Sri Vrindavan Dham, he soon became completely engrossed in the Sahachari Bhava and developed unshakable devotion to Sri Radharani’s lotus feet. Maharaj Ji adores and respects the Brij people very much. According to him, one cannot know “divine love” unless one eats the Madhukari (food) of the benevolent Brijwasis (people from the Brij area).

premanand ji maharaj in vrindavan

The Role of the Guru 

Guru plays an important role in Bhagavad Prapti (attaining God), according to Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Maharaj ji’s. A person will undoubtedly overcome this ocean of ignorance if he remains devoted to his Guru and adheres to his teachings. However, the commitment must be complete and unconditional. He says this information has been revealed to him by the grace of his Gurudev, to whom he is personally devoted.”God Himself takes the form of Gurudev, who manifests as Narakriti to lead the seeker,” he says. A guru is the manifestation of God’s grace. Seeing the Guru is like seeing God. He inspires devotion in others. Guru is the link between the seeker and God. Attaining God is only possible with the grace of the Guru.

A Torchbearer For The Young 

Maharaj Ji has a great fondness for his homeland of India. His sole goal is that our fellow countrymen give up sinful activities (gambling, meat-eating, intoxication, violence, illicit sex, etc.). These activities lead to misery, disturbance and fear. Maharaj Ji guides the youth to do their duty while offering it to God to live happily and obtain the goal of human life: breaking free from the cycle of birth and death and attaining God.

Maharaj Ji’s viewpoint is that there is no discrimination to attain the Love of God or to attain God, and everyone is equally eligible. He believes we are all parts and parcel of the Lord and have an equal right to attain God. The essence of Maharaj Ji’s spiritual guidance is to not indulge in sinful activities, take shelter of God and constantly chant the holy name of God.

Original Video of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Narrating His Life Journey From Varanasi To Vrindavan:

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