Spiritual Journey of Premanand Ji Maharaj – Quest to Varanasi

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
hit premanand ji maharaj old picture

Although truths exist around us, we must first recognise them to grow. It’s similar to a flower’s natural scent, which is invisible to other people until the air moves around it. Today, His Holiness Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj has become a role model for the younger generation. Real Knowledge and Purpose of Life are being imparted to the youth of today, who are drawn to devotion and spirituality through the words of Pujya Maharaj Ji. Pujya Maharaj Ji resides in the holy land of Vrindavan, worships Shri Shyama-Shyam, and personifies the worship path (Sahchari Bhav) established by Mahaprabhu Shri Hit Harivansh Chandra Ju.

Early Life

Pujya Maharaj Ji was born in Akhri village, Sarsaul block, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, into a devout and pious Brahmin (Pandey) family. Anirudh Kumar Pandey was his real name. His upbringing was righteous, devout, and peaceful; his grandfather was a Sanyasi. His mother, Smt. Rama Devi ji was a housewife who had strong religious beliefs. His father, Shri Shambhu Pandey ji, was deeply religious and eventually embraced Sanyasa Ashram. Saints and great men were often invited to stay in the household. The parents deeply regarded the saints, fed them, and attentively listened to their Satsang. Pujya Maharaj Ji performed several devotional services and served saints from an early age.

Pujya Maharaj Ji began reciting different prayers (Chalisa) at a very young age. He was deeply devoted to God’s name and the companionship of saints since he was a little child. He sang “Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram, Shri Krishna Govind Hare Murari, Hey Nath Narayan Vasudevay” affectionately. The Satsang and the family’s religious environment intensified Pujya Maharaj Ji’s latent spiritual spark. He began reading Shri Sukh Sagar, a Gita Press title, in the fifth grade. Owing to the knowledge he acquired via the study of scriptures and the impact of the sanskars from previous lives, he began to have questions about the meaning of life at a young age.

Everyone must pass away eventually; even parents must pass away one day. After that, who will love me and be my protector? What shall I do, who will never leave me, and whose refuge should I take? He would present his inquiries to the saints whenever they visited his home, pay close attention to their profound wisdom, and reflect on it. He eventually became less interested in attending school and learning material things since he recognised that material education could not provide him eternal happiness.

The Beginning Of The Spiritual Journey

By the time he reached the ninth grade, he had decided to pursue a spiritual life and find the way to God. To reach the objective, he was prepared to part from his family. At thirteen, Pujya Maharaj Ji departed from his family at three in the morning, driven by a deep desire to understand the meaning of human birth, end the cycle of life and death, and achieve Sat Chit Anand, the ultimate state of bliss.

After being initiated into Naishtik celibacy, Pujya Maharaj Ji was named Anandswaroop Brahmachari. He was given the name Swami Akhandanand upon accepting the Mahavakya. He afterwards received Sannyasa. Pujya Maharaj Ji led a life of total abstinence from material possessions and upheld rigid morals to transcend the physical realm. To survive throughout this period, he only accepted Akaashvritti; he only accepted things that came to him naturally, i.e. through the will of the Lord and without his own doing.

hit premanand ji maharaj sanyasa marg picture

He lived most of his life on the banks of the Ganga as a spiritual seeker. Ganga quickly became a second mother to him. He made himself home on the ghats in Varanasi without minding the weather, hunger, or clothes. He never stopped following his routine of three Ganges baths, not even during the harsh winter. He would immerse himself in the Brahmakarvritti practice every moment and fasted for several days. A few years later, in Kashi, he received the blessings and darshan of Lord Shiva on the banks of the Ganga.

Pujya Maharaj Ji proceeded to pursue a higher goal by walking the spiritual path with the blessings of Lord Shiva. He was drawn to the beauty of Vrindavan one day while meditating beneath a huge banyan tree in Banaras, thanks to the blessing of Shri Shyama-Shyam. The thought suddenly occurred to him: what would Vrindavan be like? A saint asked him to watch Raas Leela the following day. Pujya Maharaj Ji had refused multiple times, yet that saint persisted. At last, Pujya Maharaj Ji accepted that it was God’s will and agreed to go. His journey to Vrindavan began from this point on.

The story continues in how would Vrindavan be?

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