Addressing Corruption: Consequences of Dirty Money

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
corrupt and greedy official

Corruption is widespread today. Unless one’s life is spiritual, one is an animal, a demon in human form. He does not know what his duty is. He does not know spirituality and thus does not fear any authority. One needs to have an authority to abide by in life. It can be scriptures, God, or one’s duty. Today’s society is engrossed in making money, even at the cost of one’s character and duty. 

It is not possible to purify the intellect without spirituality. Also, today, it is tough to understand what true spirituality means. You need to be situated in spirituality yourself and free from greed. Then, one can show the mirror of spirituality to society. But if you start selling religion and spirituality, it will lose its essence. 

quote on corruption

Today, hypocrites and imposters are selling lies in the name of spirituality. This is the reason for the current state of society. A change is needed, and it will happen only when we walk on the path of truth. It can only happen if we follow those who already walk the path of truth. It is tough to find such a person. But by God’s grace, some genuine saints still exist, showing us the difference between our duty and unrighteousness. Our new generation is unaware of their true duty and righteousness and is only engaged in fulfilling their sense desires.

People think that only money can buy happiness and are sacrificing their duties for money. A lawyer who can save an innocent is blinded by money and is saving the guilty. When this unrighteous money enters the house, it destroys peace and families. Only by following righteousness can one remain happy.

I Try To Be Honest, But People Around Me Force Me To Be Dishonest!

peer pressure forces one to indulge in corruption

We have had multiple officers visit us who said that when they try to follow righteousness, their seniors threaten them, and they can even lose their jobs. They risk losing their jobs if they try to be righteous, and when they accept bribes, they sacrifice their duty and righteousness. The only answer is that you will be victorious if you follow your duty and are righteous. You might get fired once from this material job, but when you are under the protection of the Supreme Lord, firing will not mean anything in the long run. Become fearless; you will be protected. You might not find support in the world around you, but God will be with you, and you will win. 

Impact Of Money Earned By Wrong Means

The money accumulated by unrighteousness will corrupt the intelligence of the entire family. It will lead to quarrels and unrest in the family, and there will be no peace. Terrible diseases will come, or such children will be born who will become a reason for misery throughout your life. Karma will come for you; you will be held accountable for your actions. If an innocent person has been tortured in any way or if you took money in an unrighteous way, it will destroy you.

family unrest due to dirty money

We hear of many such incidents. When the whole family is travelling in a BMW, an accident happens. Everyone is crushed, or a fire breaks out inside the car itself. It is all karma. Avoid unrighteousness. You will ride a bicycle, but you will be safe. If not, time and karma will take care of you, and you will suffer. The same family for whom you earned the money will make you suffer throughout your life. The curses of those whom you wrong will not let you be in peace. 

An Example From Mahabharat On Fate Of The Unrighteous

There was a time when Duryodhana and the Kauravas were roaming around very happy, and Pandavas were suffering in exile and leading a hard life. When the time came, all the unrighteous were killed, and Yudhishthir Ji sat on the throne. The one following his duty might endure hardships, and the unrighteous might flourish. But one day, the unrighteous person will be destroyed, and the righteous will attain the supreme status. 

I Am A Government Employee; What If I Use Money From A Project For Something Else?

misue of government funds

If you get money for a project, it should be used for the same thing for which it has been given. If you use it to do anything else, it is unrighteousness on your part. It will destroy you and will bring down you. No matter where you take it from or how much you take, it is all wrong. It is a crime in the law of this land and also a crime in the Lord’s court. Without spirituality, there is no knowledge of all this. If you follow your duty with righteousness, your education will be worth it, you will progress, and life will be meaningful. 

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On Corruption

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