Should Saints Be Approached for Wish Fulfillment (Job, Relief From Illness etc.)?

can saints help us fulfil our desires

Everyone feels our problems can be solved by going to God and saints; this is a good thought. God, the ocean of love and mercy, blesses everyone. There is no wish that He cannot fulfil. But we do not stop committing sins. People say that we tried chanting the name of God for a few days, but our wish was not fulfilled. When even the demons performed rituals to fulfil any wish, they abandoned all wrong conduct, meditated like sages and perfected the mantras. Now, people think their wishes will be fulfilled by donating money. People think that if they make lakhs of rupees by cheating someone and give a few thousand to some saint, then their wish will be fulfilled, but this does not happen.

The reason for our sorrow is our old bad conduct. And we are still committing new bad conduct. When you do any new good deed, then your bad deeds will stand up to destroy you. They will punish you. Because of this, you will lose faith in good deeds and saints. This will make you lose interest in spirituality. After this, your bad deeds will attack you. And as long as your bad deeds are there, they will not let you be happy. Even if you get a job, your karma will create such obstacles that you cannot be stress-free.

Tab lagi kusal na jeev kahun, sapnehu man vishram.
Jab lagi bhajat na Ram kahun, sok dham taji kaam.
Dohavali, Tulsidas ji

The Only Path To Fulfill Wishes

quote on desire fulfilment

You should improve your conduct and eating habits, and if you even chant a little of Ram, Krishna, Hari or whichever name of God you like, then you will be blessed. We want to get our work done by giving something to a saint without giving up our bad conduct, but bribes do not work here. You will have to follow the rules. You drink alcohol, eat meat, commit adultery with other’s mothers and sisters, steal and commit violence and think that by donating some money, your wish will be fulfilled, but this will not happen. No one is capable of fulfilling your wish. Only God can do this. No matter how many sins you have committed, take refuge in God.

If you want to take advantage of going to saints, then take refuge in the lord, stop bad conduct, and chant the holy name. With this, you will get what you want. When you start chanting the name of God, it will destroy the bad karma you have committed. That same karma is ready to give you pain in the present. That is why it takes some time; mountains of our sins from uncountable past lives are left to be destroyed. People think I have been chanting for many days, but I do not benefit from it. It is not that nothing is happening; your past karma is being destroyed, but you just don’t know it. The day you eradicate all of them, the happiness you will get will lead you to fulfilment.

The result of doing good deeds

leave bad activities to be happy

Krishna’s friend Sudama was in difficult times, and arranging each grain of rice was a big task, but he did not deviate from his duty and surrender to God. When he came home, his wife used to say that we both could stay hungry, but how would these small children stay hungry? He said we will live as God wants us, follow our duty and be surrendered to God. They lived by eating Tulsi leaves and Charanamrit from the lord’s feet. For this same reason, Thakur ji established Sudamapuri just like Dwarkapuri. So you also follow the duty, be surrendered to God and wait. If there is auspiciousness, it is only in chanting the name of God. No one’s blessings can save you. Only your conduct can save you.

If you do wrong, no one can save you. If you walk on the right path, no one can destroy you. Because God is watching you. You improve yourself, purify your conduct and chant the holy name. You will burn like a lamp but will last long. By behaving wrongly, you will fuse one day like a halogen bulb. By behaving wrongly, you will suffer, just like someone got a car and money quickly through the wrong means, and then one day, the whole family died in an accident. Wrong conduct will take you up quickly and throw you down from the same height. If you follow your duty and be righteous, maybe you will live a simple life, but your family will remain healthy, and there will be peace in your home. You will progress gradually. Chant the holy name and follow the path of truth.

Stay Away From Swindlers And Take Shelter Of God!

engage in chanting the name of god to be happy

Do not wish for anyone’s blessings. If you follow the right conduct and chant the name of God, everyone’s blessings will be on you. There is no need to ask for anything from anyone. Whoever is blessed by the lord, everyone will be kind to him. Take shelter of the lord’s feet. No calamity can defeat you. Calamity will come, but it will not be able to defeat you. If you contemplate on the feet that Goddess Lakshmi herself worships all the time, will you be short of prosperity?

But we don’t seek happiness from God, we seek happiness from sin, that is why we are in such a bad condition. Whatever job, problem or illness you have, all this is a part of God’s creation. Look at the master and pray to him. A father does not need to take anything from his children; he just needs his son to always remember him and come to only Him whenever he needs anything. The Lord says, remember Me and only Me all the time, and I will take care of everything.


Whether you like it or not, chant Radha-Radha. Just like medicine spoils our taste, we don’t like it, but when we take medicine, the disease goes away, similarly chant Radha-Radha, chant Hari-Hari, you will be blessed. This name will save you; it will bring you happiness. Don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat meat, don’t watch dirty things and don’t commit adultery, live righteously, you will be happy. Some past deeds will try to give you pain; if you are in the refuge of God, then He will save you. Only He can save us, no one else. We should have faith in God. By taking refuge in His feet, all our wishes will be fulfilled.

Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Guiding On The Right Way For Wish Fulfillment

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