My Life Partner Is Cheating On Me, What To Do?

My Life Partner Is Cheating On Me

Today’s generation is not getting the moral education about the importance of celibacy and a righteous way of living. Every activity is circled around entertainment for them. Having multiple boyfriends and girlfriends has become a common norm. By the time they get married, their innate behaviour and purity deteriorate, and they are unable to hold up their dignity and purity in relations, as mandated by our holy scriptures.

Lack Of Religious And Moral Education In Modern Society

Lack of religious and moral education in modern society

Being friends with the opposite sex is not wrong, but it should be sacred and within limits, which becomes almost impossible due to the immoral habits one gets used to at a young age before marriage. Regardless of how good the spouse is, one ignores the pious decorum of marriage and seeks entertainment outside, losing to their habitual behaviour.

The First Step Towards Improving Your Spouse

dialogue with love and affection

If one’s spouse goes astray and starts seeing another man or woman, one should try to handle it with affection and love. First and foremost, the husband can only amend his wife’s ways if he himself has been loyal and avoided profane practices. He should consider his wife’s needs and wishes, upholding their love with utmost care. He should try to get back together, following the righteous path of their sacred relationship. The husband should care for his wife with an endearing approach and try explaining the dire consequences of her actions. As per the scriptures, there are serious punishments for one who is not loyal to his or her spouse.

Divorce And Choosing The Right Path


If the wife doesn’t agree to his requests and concerns even after many attempts and continues her immoral acts, then the husband should stick to his moral ethics and get separated. Our government provides the option of divorce, where the husband can put forth his case and seek judicial separation from his wife. He should never lose patience or try to harass his wife with any kind of violence; it’s not his right.

How Can The Adulterer Seek Atonement?

Prayer and worshipping God can give us enough strength to rectify ourselves. Anyone can make a mistake, but if the wife understands her husband and seeks the support of righteousness, chanting God’s holy name can surely mend her behaviour.

Remedy for atonement for adulterer

The wife should be determined not to repeat the same mistake again and pray regularly to practice this. She will be considered pious and sincere when she seeks God’s shelter and expresses a strong will to mend herself. 

The husband should respect her the same way as before and care for her with utmost love. Love has immense power. The husband should cautiously take note of his wife’s instincts and fulfil her needs with love and affinity. These efforts may, therefore, force his wife to change her immoral habits and start following the right path, too.

Original Question: My wife is cheating on me with another man; what should I do? And what atonement can be done for the wife?

Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Speaking On Dealing With A Cheating Spouse

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