There was a saint who used to get gold coins as gifts. According to the principle, it is wrong for a recluse to collect wealth and property. When a few coins were collected, he thought that when a lot of coins were collected, he would organize a feast for the saints in the Kumbh Mela of Prayagraj. To collect coins, the Mahatma got a big stick that looked normal on the outside but was empty inside. He started putting coins inside it. Now, whenever he goes to the devotees, he wishes to get at least one gold coin as a donation. Whatever you wish for, it is binding. Therefore, one should not have any desire. One’s desire should be merged with the desire of the Lord.

Slowly, that stick got filled with coins. The saint now started waiting for the Kumbh Mela of Prayagraj. While travelling, he reached a village, and on the people’s advice, he went to the house of a family of saints serving people. That couple served the saint well, fed him sumptuously and massaged his feet. While serving him, they saw the saint’s stick. When the saint fell asleep, the couple picked up his stick. When they opened the stick and turned it, hundreds of coins emerged. Seeing the coins, greed arose in the hearts of both of them. The husband asked his wife to bring pebbles equal to the weight of the coins. At night, when the saint was sleeping, they filled the stick with pebbles and kept all the coins with themselves.

The couple had no children, but they were very fond of money. Taking money from a saint by deceit will destroy you. This deed is very terrible. Maybe they were unaware of this or committed this evil deed to steal money due to greed.
Organizing A Feast In Prayag And The Curse Of The Saint
The next day, the saint woke up and took the stick with him without any doubt. On reaching Prayagraj, the saint stopped at a hermitage and requested the head priest there to send invitations to all the saints for a feast and donation to everyone. Surprised, The priest said, “This will cost a lot of money because thousands of saints have come to Prayagraj. If possible, give some money in advance so that we can make preparations.” To protect the secret about his stick, the saint said that he had the complete arrangement of money and would give it to them at the end of the feast.
The priest brought all the materials by spending money from his own pocket and invited all the saints. When the feast started getting ready, he came to the saint and said that now you give some money for further arrangements. The feast is getting ready, and the saints are also invited, but we cannot bear all the expenses for the future.

Saint brought his stick and said if you don’t believe, then see this. While saying this, as soon as he opened the stick, the pebbles started falling out. Saint was shocked to see pebbles instead of coins. The priest was also surprised and said, “You have ruined us. The food is ready, so many saints are invited, and you are showing these pebbles. We are ruined. Being a saint, so much deceit and fraud.”
What Could The Saint Say?
The thoughts of the saint went towards the husband and wife, and he said, “You cheated me like this, and you will suffer.” If you hurt any living being and a sigh comes out of his heart, then it is irrefutable and has to be suffered. Saint was very hurt and started thinking about how to show his face to all the saints. Thinking this, he went to the Sangam (confluence of three holy rivers) in Prayag, jumped into it and gave up his life.
Husband And Wife Got Punishment For Their Deeds
The husband and wife already had wealth from coins, so their business grew. Also, after some time, a son was born to them. They felt their service to the saints had borne fruit as they got a son and wealth. Thinking this, both of them became happy and started raising their son. After some time, the son fell ill, and a lot of their money was spent on his treatment.
The husband and wife were so attached to their son that they could do anything for him. Slowly, their business also started to stagnate; all their property started to be sold, but the son’s illness worsened. They asked in despair, “Son, what can we do for you now? Now, there is not much property left.” He replied, “My last wish is to go to Prayag and organize a feast for all the saints there. I think I will not survive now. If you do not have any property, then sell the house; it is for me only. But fulfil my last wish.”

The husband and wife sold their house and left for Prayag with their son. There, they served saints and arranged a feast for everyone. After everything was done, the son said, now take me to Sangam. When they took him there, the saint identified himself as the son and reminded them, “Do you understand? I have taken back the money you had stolen from me. I am the same saint whose coins you had stolen. You have nothing left, now just die in the attachment of your son and go to hell”. Saying this, the saint in the form of the son left his body.
The saint had to take birth again, and the husband and wife had to suffer misery. It is not that no one is watching what you are doing or that there is no account of it. Therefore, one should be very careful. “Avashyameva Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma Shubhaashubham” – one will surely suffer the consequences of the good and bad deeds done. Whatever has been given and taken from many people in many births, a person can be free only after erasing those transactions. Therefore, there is only one way to avoid this – surrender to God and surrender to Him whatever you have considered yours in this world. About this, the Lord says in the Bhagavad Gita – “Aham tvam sarvapapebhyo mokshayishyami ma suchha:” – take refuge in me, I will free you from the reactions of all sinful deeds, do not be afraid. After this, a person becomes free from all kinds of debts.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj