Is Scientific Progress Bad? Can Science and Spirituality Coexist?

Is Scientific Progress Bad

The world has both good and bad. Whether scientific progress is good or bad depends on the lens through which we look at it. If water and milk are mixed, the swan drinks the milk and leaves the water. The whole creation is made up of mixed qualities. God created nature so that everything has some defects and some qualities.

Even a machine, like a mobile phone, has great qualities. You can listen to divine Satsang with the power of your mobile, so we can not call it condemnable. You can hear the discussions happening in Vrindavan while sitting in America (or anywhere in the world); it is such a wonderful blessing from Kaliyug. Scientists are worthy of salutation. However, we should try to avoid faults. Our body is flawed, and our mind is full of faults. We have to accept the virtues and give up the vices of any invention; then, there will be no problem.

In the verse below, Tulsidas Ji writes that the creator has crafted this material world with qualities and flaws. The saintly swans embrace the virtuous milk, leaving aside the faulty water.

Jad Chetan Gun Doshmay Bisv Kiinh Karataar,
Sant Hans Gun Gahahin Paya Parihari Baari Bikaar

Shri Ramcharitmanas

The Goods Of Technology

If you are stuck in a crisis where no one is around to help you, you can use your mobile to seek help. You can inform your loved ones or the law department, and you will get support. That’s great. 

If you witness something wrong, just record a video; there is no need for anyone’s testimony, and it’s done.

25 years ago, a saint named Pujya Shri Radhacharan Das Ji’s kidney was damaged, and the dialysis machines were not easily accessible. Today, the dialysis machines are within reach, and hence, I am sitting in front of you. God sits in the intellect of the scientists who work on technology. The universe’s three activities are creation, maintenance, and destruction. What we use our intellect for is our choice.

Is Scientific Progress Bad

Electricity is a beautiful invention. It helps us with illumination. It results from someone’s hard work, and we take it for granted today. You can use a mobile phone to watch God’s pastimes or cinema; it’s up to you. Misdirected intelligence is the cause of the problem, not scientific advancement.

Is Technology Bad?

When there were no mobile phones, the chaos of lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride still existed. Instead of blaming Kaliyug, if we accept the good qualities and give up faults with our intelligence and discretion, there is no problem. When the mobile comes into the hands of children who do not know the world, meet bad friends, and search for bad things on their mobile, they destroy themselves at a young age. We have to use our discretion; that is the solution.

We can chant the holy name constantly; what harm would Kaliyug do to us? What harm would Kaliyug do to us if we do not behave badly? If we are not stealing from someone, gambling, drinking alcohol, eating meat, and having good faith, what harm will Kaliyug do to us?

quote on avoiding bad qualities

If we do bad, God shows destruction by performing leelas in Satya yuga, Dwapar yuga, and Treta yuga. Ravana did not have a mobile phone. Still, he was filled with bad tendencies like adultery. He had forgotten everything about who he was and what his duties were. That’s why he got the curse from Lord Brahma that his skull would be broken into pieces if he tried to abduct someone without their consent or permission.

Both demonic and divine tendencies exist equally, and if we give up the demonic tendencies and adopt divine wealth, then there is no problem.

Is Getting Rid Of Technology The Real Solution?

It will not work out if we remove things from the universe because of their bad qualities. We need to improve our vision. Currently, we just blame others for our weaknesses. We are weak. Fixing your weakness is the Paramhansa state (to be in divine ecstasy).

Is Scientific Progress Bad

To test Shri Sukhdev Ji Maharaj (an ascetic with self-control), Janak Ji put beautiful women in his service for seven days. Sukhdev Ji remained unaffected by the temptation. Dirt is in our thinking. People misuse technology. They use mobile phones to watch explicit images and movies, for instance. Earlier, people listened to saints on cassettes and tapes. Mobile phones can also do the same, so modern devices are helpful.

Brahmastra, Pashupatastra, and Narayanastra existed, and they could destroy the entire creation. The destruction weapons created today are also based on the same principles. As we have aeroplanes today, there was Pushpak Vimaan, per the scriptures. Science has been derived from our scriptures and is not condemnable but worthy of reverence. We should look at the aspect that is worthy of reverence.


Everything in the universe has something good and something bad. You cannot make ornaments from pure gold; some adulteration is required. Some ornaments have more adulteration, some less, but pure gold cannot be shaped without adulteration. Similarly, it is pure Brahma tattva everywhere; it is just adulterated with Maya. We have to act like swans, accepting the good qualities and giving up the bad qualities.

Original Question: Scientific research promotes Kaliyug, which is why today’s youth are moving away from the spiritual path. Is scientific progress harmful to us?

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On Scientific Advancement And Technology:

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