Is It Possible To Attain God Without A Guru?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Can we find God without a Guru

When we visit a new place, we need a guide. Similarly, a Guru is essential for attaining God in this world filled with illusion (Maya). Without a Guru, crossing the ocean of worldly existence is impossible. The path of spiritual welfare cannot be illuminated without the grace of a Guru. If you follow the words of a saint and start walking on that path, your welfare will be ensured. Your path will become clear by chanting God’s name and listening to spiritual discourses (Satsang). Taking even one step without the guidance of saints and the Guru is impossible on this journey. God resides in our hearts but does not rebuke us for our mistakes. Therefore, we need a Guru who can guide us in a visible form and correct us for our errors. Although God is within everyone’s heart, our misfortunes do not cease. When we accept the Guru as a visible form of God, their words dispel the darkness from our hearts.

Following the Guru’s words is the true way to honour him. Our welfare is guaranteed if we obey his teachings and walk on his path. For example, Dronacharya did not consider Eklavya his disciple, but Eklavya considered him his Guru, and he became an archer greater than Arjuna.

My Family Does Not Allow Me To Accept A Guru; Will I Still Attain God?

family opposition for a devotee

You don’t need to say anything to anyone. Just silently chant “Radha Radha” or whichever name of God you hold dear. No one can know what is happening within you. The ultimate purpose of all spiritual practices is to keep the remembrance of God in our hearts. Your family may stop you from external actions but cannot stop your internal contemplation. Internal remembrance of God is the path to attaining Him. Lord Krishna is the Guru of all. Chant inwardly and refrain from external signs of Vaishnavism, yet your welfare will still be ensured. Even if you don’t wear the tilak or kanti mala (Vaishnava symbols), if you are chanting the name within, God observes that you are engaged in His devotion. Remember God continuously and chant his name, and you will attain Him.

Sab sadhan kar yah phal sundar
Tab pad pankaj preeti nirantar
“All means are aimed at this beautiful outcome, constant love for the lotus feet of the Lord.”

Can I Perform Worship Without Accepting A Guru?

worship without a guru

When we engage in devotional practices without a Guru, a desire arises within us to find someone who can show us the way. We begin to question how to move forward from where we are. At that point, God Himself comes as a Guru and guides us. Chanting God’s name, reading scriptures, or service never goes in vain. The result of worshipping without a Guru is the attainment of a Guru. Once you follow the Guru-given path, you will attain God. Pray to God that He leads you to your Guru. You will have the opportunity to meet your Guru through God’s grace, or the Guru will come to you. Keep chanting the name of God, whichever name of the lord is dear to you, and you will find supreme peace.

Is Chanting Ineffective Without Receiving Initiation From A Guru?

guru blessing disciple

The mantra or holy name from a Guru’s mouth holds special significance. If you do not have a Guru and are chanting “Ram-Ram,” the result will be that you will attain a Guru. But when your Guru instructs you to chant “Ram-Ram,” it will lead to the attainment of Lord Ram. This is the scriptural principle. Still, even if you chant the name without a Guru, it will lead to your welfare. For instance, Ajamil called out the name Narayan while dying, not as a mantra given by a Guru, but to summon his son, yet he attained God. Chanting the name will certainly benefit you.

Bhaayan kubhaayan anakh aalas hoon
Naam japat mangal disi dasahoon.

Whether with good intent (love), bad intent (enmity), anger, or laziness, chanting the holy name brings welfare in all directions.

quote on chanting without a guru

Guru bin bhavanidhi tari na koi
Jau biranchi sankar sam hoi

No one can cross the ocean of worldly existence without a Guru, even if they are as great as Brahma or Shiva.

lord krishna with sandipani rishi

When Lord Krishna incarnated, He accepted Sandipani Rishi as His Guru. Similarly, when He incarnated as Lord Ram, He accepted Vashishta and Vishwamitra as His Gurus. Accepting a Guru is a tradition on the path of spiritual realization. Nevertheless, if you follow a saint’s words and chant God’s name according to their instructions, you’ll attain God. There is a difference between accepting a Guru and obeying the Guru. A true disciple is the one who follows the Guru’s words.

Guide: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Guiding On The Importance Of The Guru

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