Is Donating Money A Must To Attain God?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Is It Possible To Attain God Without Donating Money

Donating money is not mandatory; you can attain God by just chanting the holy name of God. There is no greater charity than chanting the name of God. Charity is a virtue. If our family only gets by, and we do not give a single morsel to anyone, there is no problem because family is also the form of God. We work hard to care for the family and chant Radha Radha. We don’t hurt others, don’t commit unrighteous conduct, and don’t cause suffering to anyone. You will attain God—there is no need to donate even a single rupee.

Why Do Some Volunteers Insist On Donating?

If every person improves himself, then our entire society will improve. We impose things on each other; that is the problem. In the Bhagavad Gita, God asks you to give Him your mind. Chant My name and surrender your intellect unto me. The supreme wealth is “Radha Radha”, and whoever forces you to donate, stay away and maintain distance.

man-manā bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru
mām evaiṣyasi yuktvaivam
ātmānaṁ mat-parāyaṇaḥ

Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.

Bhagavad Gita 9.34

mayy eva mana ādhatsva
mayi buddhiṁ niveśaya
nivasiṣyasi mayy eva
ata ūrdhvaṁ na saṁśayaḥ

Just fix your mind upon Me and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt.

Bhagavad Gita 12.8

No one will come to your house and force you to donate or curse you if you don’t. If someone had the potential to curse you or increase your bad karma, they would not even do it. The one who has the power will never do this. Will someone who knows the truth do this to you? The truth is God does not need anything from you.

An Anecdote On Offering Our Belongings To God

This will tell you how to make God happy. If a father has four sons, he brings home apples and bananas. He gives one apple and one banana to each child. Three of them peeled the apple and started eating it. The last one comes running, requesting the father to eat. Now, what will the father’s heart feel? The father will bring him close and feed the child with his own hands. The remaining three will not get the affection that he will get. This is called the worship of God.

Is It Possible To Attain God Without Donating Money?

Whatever little food (even if it’s just salt and bread) God gave to us, we offer it to our Lord at home and eat it. Whatever hard-earned money we have, we spend it in the service of our mother, father, sister, family. If we feel we are left with extra money, we do not use it in wrong deeds but in serving the sick, any animal or bird, or in the service of someone who never acknowledges it or greets you. If he says thank you, then our service is not complete. Do service such that he does not even get to say thank you. Be discreet with your kindness.

How To Decline Donation Requests If You Do Not Have the Capacity Or The Intent?

We should not behave rudely with anyone anywhere. Even if someone comes to your house to request donations, our first response should be to greet them with kind words. We can say we do not have the capacity or the intent; it is open, with nothing to hide. We can offer you water to drink or food to eat. If they continue asking for money, you can request that they leave. There is no crime in it.

We should speak softly; there is no need to behave rudely with anyone. If they say, if we go empty-handed, you will be destroyed. Please don’t say anything, come inside your door, they are getting destroyed. They burn with this temperament and stink of jealousy. One should never be afraid of such people. 


Those who love and depend on God will not harm anyone just because they did not get something. The Acharyas have ordered to beg for roti (bread) from every house (Madhukari). But no scripture instructs about asking for money. The Lord provides sustenance to everyone. God cannot be attained by giving money. Otherwise, the rich people would have bought it, not once, but probably multiple times. God, whom Lakshmi (Goddess of Fortune) serves all the time, can only be attained by his devotees or loved ones, and love is not bought by money but by bhajan (spiritual practice) and blessings of devotees.

Original Question – Is it possible to attain God without charity, just by chanting the name of God?
Answer by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on – 02.01.2024

Original Videos Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj’s Answer To If Donations Are A Must To Attain God

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