If God Created Maya, Why Should I Stay Away From It?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
if god created maya why should i stay away from it

God has created Maya (Illusion). God has also created hell. Severe diseases and prison as well. We just need to ask ourselves if we would like to be liberated or rot in hell.  Those who want to rot can play with Maya in this birth & many more to come. But be ready to suffer.

This life is a game, so do you want to be free from it? Whatever fun & excitement is there in the mind dissipates in prison. You don’t get to meet your loved ones, nor can you do whatever you like, as it is a prison. There is a prison of Eighty-three lakh, ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine forms where you cannot do anything but suffer the punishment. In these forms, the feelings of sadness & pleasure are all the same. You see that the animals are being tied with their feet and are being burnt and eaten alive. They don’t have much control over what is done to them.

The human body is one rare form that can save us from these life forms. Don’t destroy it by enjoying yourself. Chant Radha Radha.

Stay Away From Lust, Anger and Greed

tri-vidhaṁ narakasyedaṁ
dvāraṁ nāśanam ātmanaḥ
kāmaḥ krodhas tathā lobhas
tasmād etat trayaṁ tyajet

Bhagavad Gita 16.21
why should i stay away from maya when God Himself created it

Lust, Anger, and Greed are direct certificates for hell. If you have lust and you misbehave with women or due to greed, if you resort to violence to take others’ money, snatch their possessions or insult others out of anger, hurting them and speaking harsh words and getting involved in violence is a certificate for hell. Goswami Tulsidas ji says,

Kaam krodh mad lobh sab nath narak ke panth,
Sab parihari Raghubeerahi bhajahu bhajau jehi sant.

Sri Ramcharitmanas

We are human beings; we should stay within our limits. Limits have been created for us. We are not wild animals, predators or demons. The verse below from Sri Ramcharitmanas means that people who do not respect their parents and do not serve saints are to be considered demons.

Manahin Matu Pita Nahi Deva, Sadhun San Karwavahi seva
Jin Ke Yah Acharan Bhavani, Te Janehu Nisichar sab prani

Sri Ramcharitmanas

The Divine And The Demoniac

Drinking, adultery, violence, gambling, stealing, insulting the parents, dishonouring the revered people, disrespecting the scriptures, and disrespecting God is done by people with demonic intellect. These people do not have horns, but they are demons. The intellect becomes demonic if we do not follow the scriptures, dharma (righteousness) and principles. On the other hand, the one who has a pure intellect is blessed. The world reveres his conduct, thoughts, and behaviour. God has created both Sumati (good intellect) and Kumati (bad intellect).

In the verse below, Vibhishan tells Ravana that everyone has good and bad intellect. Where there is good intellect, there is prosperity in abundance. Where there is bad intellect, there is nothing but trouble.

Sumati kumati sab ke ur rahahi, Nath puran nigam as kahahi.
Jahan sumati tahan sampati naana, Jahaan kumati tahan bipati nidana.

Sri Ramcharitmanas
if god created maya why should i stay away from it

We Wished To Play But Got Trapped

This life is a game. Maya has spread a game and is playing with itself only. There is no other player. Maya is the game, and Maya is the player, too. Defeat is also Maya, and victory is also Maya. If you know this, you will be liberated from this game of Maya. In the verse below, God says, I am my ominous (kaal) for those who violate my laws and protector to those who follow my principles.

Kaalroop tinh kah main bhraata, Shubh aru ashubh karm phaldata.
As bichari je param sayaane, Bajahi mohi sansrit dukh jaane.

Sri Ramcharitmanas

Even in our country’s judicial system, if you act according to the law, the system will protect you. But if you violate the law, the system will beat you up and send you to prison. Similarly, if you follow the law of God, then he will protect you and give you happiness, and if you go against dharma, then God is terrifying for you. Krishna is the one who will come as cancer, a severe disease, and He becomes hell for you.

Winning The Game Of Life

Soi jaanai jehi dehu janaai,
Jaanat tumhahi tumhai hoi jaai.
Tumharihi kripa tumahi Raghu Nandan,
Jaanahi bhagat bhagat ur chandan.

Sri Ramcharitmanas

There is no one else except God, and everything is created by Him only. You are the form of God, the part of God, the ocean of bliss. Do not stop in between. Don’t stop in entertainment. Maya will create many beautiful things to trap you. Hanuman Ji was offered a resting place by Mainak Mountain when crossing the sea. Hanuman ji replied I do not get rest without fulfilling my duty towards Lord Ram.

Ram Kaaj Kinhe Binu,
Mohi Kaha Vishram

Sri Ramcharitmanas

Till you meet God, do not entertain yourself in this beautiful garden of Maya. Follow the path of Dharma.

Ab Lau Nasani, Ab Na Nasaihon

Goswami Tulsidas ji

Chant the name of God and destroy unrighteous conduct. This is the purpose of life. Some people say that their senses have made them their slaves. They do what the senses want them to do. Take the shelter of God and move on the path to meet God. Adversity occurs because Maya is like quicksand.  You have got a human body, you have got the grace(kripa) of God, and you have the company of great saints. This means the wind is favourable, the boat is strong, and the ferryman is clever, cross over this ocean of nescience.

Original Question – When God Himself created Maya, why should one stay away from it in material life?

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on 16.12.2023

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On Why One Should Avoid Maya To Progress In Spiritual Life:

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