There is a difference between natural loss of celibacy and knowingly destroying it. If you do not masturbate or do not indulge in illicit relations with other women and semen loss happens due to nightfall, then it is not considered the destruction of celibacy. If you are destroying celibacy by your actions, you must stop it.
To avoid this, you can take some measures, such as running a few kilometres daily, drinking two to four litres of water, keeping the stomach clean, pouring cold water on the stomach while bathing, doing breathing exercises and working out daily, eating a satvik diet and not watching pornography. If you do all this, then you will be able to follow celibacy. If you keep destroying semen intentionally, then it becomes a habit. You will have to give it up. There is no magic to avoid this; you must follow this rule yourself.
Masturbation Makes One Feel Bad, But After Some Time, The Mistake Happens Again.

The guilt associated with nightfall is less. The greater guilt is felt when we want to follow our vow of celibacy but are unable to do so. Then, we feel troubled from within. When we do something wrong for the first time, we feel sad. But when we repeatedly do something wrong, it does not seem we have done anything wrong. It starts to seem like a part of our routine.
You are repeatedly making this mistake because you do not give importance to celibacy. We will never do something that causes us pain and unrest, but we feel we are getting happiness, so we do it repeatedly. What happiness is there in this? Just like if you have an itch in a new place and you keep scratching it, you are destroying your celibacy just for that much pleasure. You have to stop it and tolerate it a little.
Celibacy is A Penance

Chant the name of God to stop bad habits and tolerate sexual feelings. Also, practice yoga exercises regularly. Celibacy is a penance. It is not an ordinary thing. If it were an ordinary thing, everyone would have easily remained celibate. Daily breathing exercises and working out are very important for remaining celibate. Celibacy should not be broken under any circumstances. After entering the household life, breaking celibacy is essential only for procreation. But until such a situation comes, remain in complete celibacy.
This can only happen through practice. Wrong practice destroys our lives. Can’t we gradually rule over bad habits with the right practice? Of course, we can. But we give up very quickly. When your mind gives wrong advice, you are not careful at that time. At that time, you happily do that wrong action. After that, you come to your senses and feel guilty in your mind. Why did I do this? I had taken a vow. This feeling of happiness destroys us.
Ways to Conquer Lust

To conquer lust, chant the name of God through detachment and practice, listen to Satsang, and read the Lord’s pastimes. Along with this, practice yoga asana and pranayam regularly. You have to control your hands. You have to take a vow not to watch pornography. Do not watch dirty films or keep company with spoilt people.
Avoid Wrong Advice

You will find many people giving wrong advice who will say that breaking celibacy is good for you, it reduces stress, etc. Think for yourself: once celibacy is weakened, do you have physical and mental problems or not? You have in every way. Whether it is a doctor or a friend, they preach wrong things. The semen that is destroyed due to nightfall is not the semen that can produce offspring. The semen that can produce offspring is destroyed by doing wrong actions like masturbation and illicit sex. These friends of yours are your real enemies.
Other Sins Caused By Lack Of Celibacy
Many more sins are committed because of this habit. Your mindset towards other women will degrade. You will start lying. Most of the sins are committed because of lust. Lust leads to anger; lust leads to greed. If something does not happen as per our wishes, we will even commit violence. It is a lustful man who commits violence. It is the desire that causes violence. When lust is indulged in while living as a married householder, religiously, for procreation, with commitment towards one wife, then God has also called it right. If you remain celibate for 20-25 years in your early life and then indulge in sex only for procreation, you will be considered celibate. Such a person will never become physically weak. But nowadays, people are ruining themselves by getting into bad habits right from childhood. You should avoid this.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj