Lust defeats you only when you take shelter of some action or some person. If we do not take shelter of anyone, then the force of lust will rise and will calm down on its own. When lust comes to your mind, and if you have maintained a wrong relationship with anyone, any action or any person, then your mind will take you there. If you do not shelter your mind, it will fly and again become dependent on you after flying.
Like the crow of a ship flies and finds rest back in the ship. If it gets shelter somewhere else, either on an island or on some other ship, then it will sit there. Similarly, your mind will go into the subjects of the senses, but there should not be any such place, there should not be any such person, there should not be any such activity, where you have given shelter to your mind; otherwise, the mind will take you there and make you do the same action.

We take shelter of some activity, scene, person or someone’s body, so the mind compels and makes us do that activity or takes us to that person. Then, we have to surrender to the mind. The mind will become calm and pure on its own; just don’t give it shelter of any activity or person. This is where we make a mistake; be careful. We try to rest our minds by doing these activities; this can never happen. When the mind is impetuous, it seems that if we do this activity right now, the mind will become calm; this is the biggest mistake. This is the thing that is destroying you; you just don’t know.
Two Functions Of The Mind
The mind has two functions: thinking about sense objects and taking shelter of those objects. The mind always seeks the shelter of some object or the other. The reason for our corruption is our taking shelter of some object. You are destroying yourself knowingly. If you remove your shelter from a person or an action, within a few days, you will become free from vices, and your mind will become peaceful. Otherwise, you will be destroyed.
The mind first takes shelter of sense objects. When we feel hungry, we think of which house we should go to where we can get the food of our choice. The shelter can be a person or an action. Then, the mind thinks about it and contemplates it. We have to cut off both these things; only then will you be able to conquer lust. When you understand that lust is dominating you, you will see that some shelter will come in front of you; maybe you will meet a person or do an activity. You have to give up that shelter immediately.

You take some other shelter, like the shelter of the feet of the Lord or the shelter of the feet of the Guru. After taking shelter, the mind makes us think about how to get happiness from that action or person. You also have to change your thinking. If you have wrong thoughts, chant the holy name of the lord. As soon as you change your shelter and thoughts, this mind will come under your control; your mind will become peaceful. Our only mistake is that we get carried away by the mind and keep wandering in the streets of this city (body) with nine gates. Hold on to these two things; you will never be defeated again.

There is a very easy formula to conquer lust – you have to give up all the things you have enjoyed before, the things you have heard somewhere, or the relationships you have made to enjoy pleasures. Break the relationship with that person, never do that action, and assume that your hands are broken. By conquering these two things, there will be so much calmness in your heart and joy that you will start dancing in solitude. Just try to conquer this mind once. Think of Shri Radha and chant the name of the Lord. If you cannot do all this on your own, move away from that situation or place. Just go and join people who are discussing about the lord or chanting His holy name. This will change your thinking.
Note: If you are struggling with nightfall, the habit of excessive masturbation, or trying to maintain celibacy, these articles will be helpful for you:
- How to stop nightfall?
- Side effects of masturbation
- Food and daily routine rules required for celibacy
- Harmful effects of mobile phones
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj