If you do not have the knowledge of spirituality and have not learnt to conquer the mind, no matter how much money you earn or what position you achieve, you cannot escape from worry, fear, grief and sadness. Some people think that they have everything: family, money, property, and they are happy, but they are still afraid that one day they will have to die and all this will be left here. We have got this human life only to get rid of this fear. Neither family will go with you nor the money! And where will you go after death? You do not know this either. The wealth you have collected here will be useless wherever you go after this life. The wealth that is used there, the holy name of the god, you have not earned it. This is the reason for fear and anxiety.
Reason For Imaginary Fear!

If you commit sins, then there will be anxiety. If you commit sins, karma will follow you like a ghost and burn you from within. You will keep thinking more, and fear will always remain. This is the result of a polluted and sinful mind. We all make mistakes. When we make a mistake, it scares us. To hide one mistake, we start making many more mistakes. We lie and cheat, and these mistakes gradually pollute our minds. If your mind is going into depression, then this is a sign of sin. You have committed some crime which is making you think like this. Now, it is creating imaginary fear in your life. The way to avoid this fear is spirituality.
Meditating On The Lord Will Make You Peaceful
Unless there is the remembrance of the lord, there will be no rest. We feel fresh after sleep. What is so special about sleep? Sleep makes us leave worldly thoughts for only a few hours. How happy will you be if you leave worldly thoughts when awake? This is spirituality. We leave worldly thoughts and do all the work while being engrossed in the thoughts of God. Chanting Radha-Radha while sweeping, doing office work, cooking and doing all other work. This chanting of the holy name saves you from sinful acts. After this, good thoughts will start coming into your mind. And life will start to become joyful. And you will start feeling fear that you might commit some sin. Chanting Radha-Radha is the ultimate medicine.
Avoid Committing Sins

Do not commit any sin, even by mistake! We commit some sins that we do not understand even after realizing it. Like abortion (foeticide). This is a very big sin. But despite knowing this, most of the people commit this mistake. Then how will your mind remain happy? Many children (aged 15-20 years) make friends (girlfriends or boyfriends), and due to a lack of knowledge of scriptures and sensory control, they do sinful acts, and their minds become impure. This impurity will make your mind unrestrained by bringing the tendency of adultery. And you will not be fit for a married life in future. Such mistakes can cause a person to suffer punishment for his entire life.
It Is Natural To Make Mistakes, Correct Them!

We should gain knowledge of our scriptures and be within our limits. This will remove the complaint of nervousness and fear from the mind. This is the first stage of depression. Thinking too much. If it increases, then you will have to take medicine. These are not things that can be cured with medicines. Here, it is necessary to purify the mind. You should chant the name of God, behave as per the scriptures, and have faith in God. Every deed bears fruit. Just as bad deeds bear consequences, good deeds also bear auspicious results. But immorality and sinful deeds do not allow us to think about God. Repent for your mistakes, chant the name of God and ensure you do not commit any mistake.
Only God’s Name Can Save You!
It is natural to make mistakes, but correct yourself and do not remain stuck in the same mistake. We commit sins only when we think that no one is watching us. But at the same time, think that someone is watching you. The one who sees everyone is watching you as well. The one who is everywhere is with you as well. The one who is in everyone is in you as well. So don’t do wrong deeds. The way to save yourself is to chant the lord’s name and sing His pastimes. Read one chapter of Shrimad Bhagavatam every day. And then see its effect! Whatever you eat, first offer it to God. Your intellect will start becoming pure. As you chant Radha-Radha, your heart will start becoming pure. Or chant whatever name of God you like.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj