How to Earn Money Righteously? The Ideal Way and Limitations

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
How to earn money righteously

We should first ask about our duty. If you are a seller of medicines then you should not sell fake medicines. If you are a doctor then you should not deceive the patients. If you are a teacher, then teach the students with complete diligence, avoiding deceit. The same is applied to all the workings of the entire universe. All these workings are tied to the principle of duty-bound action (Kartavya Karma). You are someone’s father, someone’s son, someone’s friend and you are doing some service in society. You know your duty, what is the nature of your duty?  Just consider that duty as a service to God and chant the name of God while performing the duty making sure there is no deception and unrighteousness in it. It will then be considered a duty performed in the right way. There is only one answer for all kinds of workings in the entire universe which is that you should perform your duty the right way.

Should you cheat others for money?

If you know the medicine is fake, but you think you will earn a lot of profit by selling it, then you are doing wrong. You know the patient can be cured with the right medication but if you want to make a bill for a long time, then you are doing wrong. You know the government is paying you so that you can teach good conduct to the students but you are not giving time to the students & spending that time gossiping, this way you are wasting your time. In any system, if you are an official or you are an official of the nation or an official of some department, you should do your duty as prescribed. Follow the same & dedicate that duty to God & chant the name of God. Then you are a great soul (Mahatma).

In ancient times, the position of the Chakravarti Samrat (emperor who reigns over the entire world) was the supreme position. Ambrish ji was the Chakravarti Samrat and Mahabhagwatik (great devotee). Janak ji was the king & the guru of Sukhdev ji who himself was Paramhamsa (enlightened soul & guru of the knowledgeable souls). You will say they were the incarnations of God, then we are also part of God. In our form, God is only manifesting. If you say the word business then I am ignorant but if you talk about the scriptural language (shastro ki language) then this business is duty tied to the principle of duty-bound action (Kartavya Karma).

The fulfillment of duty as described above is the perfect way. Now If there is a goldsmith and a customer has brought gold to make jewellery out of it, then the goldsmith should make the jewellery from the same gold with honesty & without adulteration. The goldsmith should not convert real gold to fake jewellery. The goldsmith should charge a fee for the work. In every business, this should be practiced. If you are weighing with a 50 grams magnet knowing that you are weighing 50 grams less then this is not a good business. You can make your product expensive & sell it e.g. if you are selling 1 kg for Rs 11 whereas others are selling for Rs. 10, then sell for Rs. 11 but weigh 1 kg properly so when he gives 11 rupees, weigh one kg properly and give him the unadulterated product. If everyone does their duty as prescribed then it will become a purpose of attaining God. If you are performing your duties properly then this is the right direction & the right limitations & this only will help you attain God and God will be pleased.

hit premanand ji maharaj quote on earning money righteously

Nowadays, a lot is going wrong. There are probably one or two out of every 100 folks who are doing their business as a prescribed duty, otherwise everywhere we find some adulteration, some fraud, and some lies. These people will not give adulterated things to their own families but will sell them to others. However, the money earned through this deceit is very dangerous & will lead to their destruction. Therefore I request everyone to not look at the immediate benefits but to look at the future benefits for yourself and your family. If you indulge in unrighteous conduct you might see immediate benefits but it will ruin the future of you and your family.

Nowadays, our minds get distracted to become millionaires through shortcuts. We look for shortcuts in our food, and in performing our duties. In our culture, the doctor is considered to be the God. The patient surrenders himself to the doctor. Now the doctor can do anything to the patient and can ruin the patient’s life. But then God is the greatest doctor, when God operates on this doctor, then this doctor’s senses will be lost. I have heard incidents like a doctor met with such an accident that all his nerves were broken which no doctor could fix. So remember to follow your duty. When we go to the doctor, we surrender ourselves to God. We give in writing that the doctor is not liable for any mishap. The doctor should use all the knowledge he possesses to save our life, the doctor should not give priority to money. This way the doctor will attain God.

Do not consume drugs, do not exhibit inappropriate behaviour, and do not eat unsuitable food. We should save money and use it in the service of society, in the service of our family then we will get the ultimate happiness. Conducts like drinking alcohol, eating meat, exploiting money to harass women, and gambling will never make you happy. You have come to me, I request you with folded hands that if you follow what I say, you will be greatly blessed and whoever who listens to this & follows will improve his life.

Drinking Alcohol spoils your health, and destroys your position in society and family. For example, if you drank liquor worth Rupees 100 – 200, the same amount of money could have been spent on buying vegetables for home or sweets for children, and your family would have cherished you. If you think that you can become a millionaire or a billionaire through gambling, let me tell you, nobody has become happy or peaceful in his entire life through gambling to date. Dharamaraj Maharaj Yudhishthir ji when gambled had to see his wife Draupadi being mistreated in the royal court. He had to endure twelve years of exile and one year of concealed exile (Agyaat Vaas). Maharaj Nala had to suffer all his life because of this gambling. So I say do not gamble, do not drink alcohol, do not eat meat, do not do anything inappropriate with any woman (treat them as mothers & sisters), then you will get happiness. We have got Human life to attain supreme bliss. Earn righteously, live happily, and chant Radha Radha always. It doesn’t cost a dime to chant Radha Radha.

Original Question – I sell medical devices. How can I conduct business with spiritual and idealistic principles?  What are the limitations & what should be the ideal way?
Question by – Mukesh from New Delhi, India 
Answer by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on – 01.01.2024

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Answering The Question:

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