How to deal with Disease and Suffering?

how to deal with disease and suffering

Disease and suffering are a part of life; there is no need to be disappointed. I have kidney failure in both kidneys. If my mind is focused on all these things, I will become unhappy. If my mind is focused on God, then everything is good. How many years will this body be sustained? The time of leaving this world is certain. So, I should prepare for my destination; I must go from here. It is a blessing that we have a companion who addresses us, saying, “Don’t be engrossed here; you must depart from here”. This disease is a companion that makes you meet God. The kidney is damaged, which motivates me to meet Shriji (Srimati Radharani). We should not be afraid; death will happen once.

The Futility Of This Body And The World Around

What do we desire, that the body becomes healthy and we enjoy the pleasures & stay here? How long will we stay here? We have to die, if not today, then tomorrow. This place is called Mrityulok (where everyone should die). Whoever was born died; we have to die, too. We should not die again after death. This is important; this should be our last death. For this, we should do bhajan, do the bhajan with devotion, and chant Radha Radha. 

hit premanand ji maharaj quote on death

Nothing is permanent, and we should never be happy about this. If the kidney is changed, do not reassure your mind. Also, don’t be sad about the fact that your kidney is damaged. Now, I am addressing both sides to make a way.

Only the Lord is our source of happiness. This disease is nothing. There is no one beyond God. Chant Sriji’s name (Srimati Radharani) & relax. We don’t have to be worried. We belong to God, and when we have to go to God’s house after death, which is our house, what’s the trouble? The fear of death exists because your destination after death is not certain. Everyone you know will be left behind. Whatever you believe in will be left behind. That’s why you fear death. Keep my words in your thoughts. Leave all this which you are holding & hold the lotus feet of God. Chant Radha Radha Radha.

Jis marne se jag dare, mere man anand.
Kab Marihu kab pau, puran parmanand.

Saint Kabir Das ji

Love: The Supreme Shelter

There are so many news stories that a girl or boy consumed poison because there was opposition to their relationship from their family. For them, death is not scary. Two lovers, in just a little love, destroy themselves. We love God and still fear death, which means we have not yet fallen in love with God. Otherwise, when we love God, what is death?

We have to die one day. Be happy, chant the name and don’t forget Priya Lal ji. This kidney is not sustainable. Attainment of God is its permanent cure. For those whose kidneys are healthy, you never know when they might die. Some people go out on the road and meet with an accident. This doesn’t feel nice, but the story is like this. When and where time might toss us, we do not know. So be careful always & chant Radha Radha Radha, be happy.

Original Question – There are three different questions from three different people. One has been a patient with kidney disease since 2018, the Second has been suffering from cancer for the last nine years, and the third is also a kidney patient. All three have similar questions. Their hearts are disappointed; how should they deal with their suffering?

Answer by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on – 24.02.2023

Original Videos Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Answering The Question:

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