We know we should not spend too much time on social media or mobile phones, but people still waste hours on them daily. People have become addicted to them. The main reason for this is something like this: Our intellect says that our time will be wasted on mobile, but then the mind says there is happiness in it. There is a desire to get happiness inside us, but we are looking for this happiness in the wrong place. This is the reason for us getting trapped. In all the sins and bad deeds we do, our intellect says that this is wrong, but our mind says that no, there is happiness in it, and then the intellect becomes subservient to the mind. Then, the intellect cannot stick to its decision, and the mind and intellect make us commit sins together.
Relation Between Mind And Intellect
We have started considering ourselves the mind and intellect, whereas we are the eternal soul. We are only witnessing all this; all this is separate from us. Both mind and intellect are separate from us. You must explain to your mind that there is no happiness in all these things, and then it will stay away from them. If this is not done, people swear they will never do this again, but after a few days, they return to the same thing. Today’s youth and children are trapped in many bad habits. The reason for this is that the mind rejects the decision of the intellect and makes you do what it likes. The intellect has to be so strong that it can stop the mind from making its own decisions.

Method To Strengthen The Intellect
When we worship the lord, our intellect, which makes all the decisions, will become wise. When we chant the name of God (Radha-Radha or whatever name of the Lord you like), our intellect will become strong. And it will decide that this work is wrong, now I will never do it, I will not waste time. Your intellect will start giving you the right advice. It will say that the time I spend listening and watching useless scenes on social media, I will spend that time chanting the name, studying the scriptures, or listening to spiritual discourses, which will help us progress in our lives.
Right And Wrong Use Of Social Media

Social media is not wrong; it is wrong to search for and watch the wrong things on social media. Our intellect, which sanctions the mind to watch and listen to bad things, must be stopped. Our mind, which finds happiness in it, needs to be stopped. For this, chanting the holy name is necessary. The solution to every problem is the holy name because our intellect is strengthened only through chanting the name. A mature and strong intellect can stop the mind and senses wherever it wants.
Everyone knows right and wrong. We understand this is wrong and should not be done, but we cannot stop ourselves. The knowledge that you have, have you ever put it into practice? As much as you preach to others, are you inculcating it within yourself? This happens because we do not engage in chanting. Knowledge alone will not help. We have to chant the name of God and worship Him.
mamaivāṁśo jīva-loke
jīva-bhūtaḥ sanātanaḥ
prakṛti-sthāni karṣati
The living entities in this world of bondage are My eternal parts. Because of the life of bondage, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, including the mind.
Bhagvad Gita 15.7
If the mind takes over any of the senses, it will destroy us. For example, if your mind takes over your eyes, it will make you see scenes you know will cause your downfall.
Importance Of Chanting The Name Of God

If you do not engage in devotion, your behaviour and lifestyle will not change. We know right from wrong but cannot use that knowledge because we lack strength. Spiritual strength comes from chanting the name of God, doing kirtan, listening to God’s pastimes, and bringing happiness to others. This will give you the strength to stop arbitrary (mind-inspired) behaviour.
The mind is giving your intellect wrong advice. Happiness lies only in chanting the name, listening to the lord’s pastimes and acting righteously. Do not hurt anyone. Sinful acts only bring sorrow; they can never give happiness. Right now, we are talking only about social media. If your mind does not come under your control, it will make you commit terrible sins. Empower your intellect by chanting the name of God to put a check on your mind.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj