How To Control Anger? How Can Anger Lead To Downfall?

how to control anger

Anger destroys a person. Pujya Udiya Baba said that if someone engages in devotion for a month and gets angry at someone once, the devotion of one month gets destroyed. If you get angry twelve times in twelve months, one year’s progress from meditation gets ruined. Some people get angry twelve times a day! Anger is a big obstacle on the path of attaining God. An angry person can commit the most serious sins. Under the influence of anger, people even kill others. A man filled with anger can even disobey his guru’s words by speaking harshly. Anger makes even the most respectable man feel insulted.

When anger appears in your heart, become silent immediately. You try to move away from the place where anger is manifesting. There is good in enduring anger. If you tolerate the burning sensation of anger, your heart will become pure. With this, you will become beloved by God and a doer of ultimate welfare to others. If you get angry, your penance will be destroyed. The greatest medicine for anger is silence. If someone is insulting you, then you should remain silent. If you cannot stand and listen to your criticism, you should walk away without saying anything. You forgive them. The forgiving man conquers the world.

The Pinnacle Of Tolerance – Eknath Ji’s Story

story of eknath ji never getting angry

One day, when Eknath ji returned after bathing in the Ganges, a person spit on him. He again went to bathe in the Ganges. He spat on Eknath ji a hundred times, and Eknath ji went to bathe in the Ganges a hundred times. The person couldn’t control his emotions anymore. He came down and prostrated before Eknath ji. Eknath Ji asked what happened. He said, forgive me; I have misbehaved with you a hundred times. Eknath Ji said there has been no one as helpful as you. I bathe in the Ganges at most twice daily. Due to your grace, I bathed in Ganges a hundred times today. I salute at your feet. Please show this kind of kindness daily.

Some of Eknath Ji’s neighbours always thought of ways to anger him. A Brahmin came and told them that he needed some money. They said they would give him two hundred rupees; he just had to make Eknath Ji angry. The Brahmin thought that it could be done easily. The Brahmin wore shoes and went to his prayer room (ideally, it should not be done). Eknath ji gave him a seat, made him sit, and gave him the Lord’s holy water and food with great love. Brahmin thought he was a very strange man that he did not get angry. Eknath Ji saw the lord in everyone, so how could he get angry?

When his wife served food to the Brahmin, he climbed on his wife’s back. Brahmin thought this would make Eknath ji angry. Eknath ji said to his wife, be careful! His wife said, I practice this while caring for my son, so don’t worry. Hearing these words from Eknath Ji’s wife, the Brahmin started crying. Eknath ji asked him why he was crying. The Brahmin said that his two hundred rupees were lost. He said your neighbours had promised to give me two hundred rupees in return for angering you. If you are not getting angry, then what should I do? Eknath ji said, if you had told me, I would have got angry in your first attempt!

There are many examples of great souls who were given a lot of trouble by people, but they never got angry.

Karat Je Ansahan Nindak Tinahu Pe Anugraha Kiyo

Shri Hit Mangal Gaan

Those who suppress anger definitely reach closer to God.

The Condition Of An Angry Person!

ill effects of anger

An angry person cannot understand anything properly. He doesn’t know what the limits are. What should be done? What should not be done? That is why an angry person speaks harsh words even to his guru. One should always deal with this enemy of anger with the weapon of forgiveness. By renouncing anger, amazing radiance appears. An angry man can never engage in meditation or devotion. He becomes filled with great distress. Only foolish people get angry. Such a person considers anger as his great pride.

If we ever get angry, we should repent. We need to think that today I got angry, now I will not eat food for two days and will continuously chant the holy name of the lord. And then take a vow that you will never get angry again. One who is forgiving even towards the one who kills and does not kill him himself brings the lord under his control. Under the control of anger, a father can kill his son. The son may become angry and kill his father. A husband can kill his wife. The wife can kill the husband.

What Can A Forgiving Person Achieve?

quote on anger

We should be forgiving in all situations. One who controls his anger brings the whole world under his control. The one who is forgiving is the greatest ascetic and is the ultimate devotee of God.

Kabahun haun yahi rahani rahauṅgo.
Shri Raghunath-kripalu-kripa te sant subhav gahaunṅgo.
Jathalabh santosh sada, kahu son kachu na chahaunṅgo.
Parahit-nirat nirantar man, kram vachan nem nibhauṅgo.
Parushvachan atidusah sravan suni tehi pavak na daha

Tulsidas ji says, will I ever be able to be like my gurus? Will I become of the nature of saints by the grace of lord Ram? I will always be ready to serve people and will not get angry on hearing harsh words, I will keep my mind calm and cool.

Tulsidas Ji

No matter how bitter someone speaks, we should not feel bad. One who tolerates insult and criticism and forgives everyone attains the supreme knowledge. The forgiving person always gets all the happiness in this world. Everyone respects the forgiving person in the next world. Therefore, we should never get angry, always destroy anger with forgiveness, and worship the lord by constantly chanting His name.

Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On Controlling Anger

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