I Am A Man, And I Am Attracted To Men: Guidance On Homosexuality (Gay And Lesbian)

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Guidance On Homosexuality - gay and lesbian

Lust has caused havoc throughout creation. It only spares those who take refuge in God and engage in devotion. The reason we are attracted to lust is that we associate pleasure with the body and sexual acts. We are searching for happiness in them, but no one has ever been satisfied through this. No matter how much indulgence you pursue, your desires and cravings will not subside. This is because true happiness does not reside there. We are merely being drawn to the doors of waste (feces and urine).

The scriptures clearly state that indulgence in lust is only permitted for procreation. Rightfully, according to religious law, lust should only be engaged with your husband or wife to have children. Following this path will naturally lead to detachment from this world, and you will become a true seeker of the righteous path. You are not allowed to waste your vital energy (semen) through wrongful behaviour.

The Search For Happiness, Peace, And Joy

The Search For Happiness, Peace, And Joy

If you desire happiness and peace, they can only be achieved through refuge in God and chanting His holy name. Our mind constantly tells us that pleasure can be found in the body’s sensual pleasures. However, even after repeatedly experiencing these indulgences, your desires will not subside. Instead, your mind will keep pushing you towards more wrong actions. Learn to control this deceptive mind, and you will become a great soul. Our Lord is extremely merciful, as He says in the Bhagavad Gita:

api cet su-durācāro
bhajate mām ananya-bhāk
sādhur eva sa mantavyaḥ
samyag vyavasito hi saḥ

Bhagavad Gita 9.30
Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in my devotion he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination.

In this verse, Lord Krishna tells us that when someone firmly resolves that there is no lasting happiness in worldly pleasures and devotes themselves to God’s service, they should be considered saintly, even if they have previously committed sinful acts.

The Crisis Among Youth Today

homosexuality Crisis Among Youth Today

Many young people are trapped in bad habits and wasting their lives. Some young men are unwilling to marry because they are attracted to the male body rather than the female body. The scriptures clearly state that the purpose of lust is only for procreation. As a man, can you procreate with another man? No! So, the loss of your vital energy (semen) in such acts is a sin and will become the cause of your suffering.

This body is not given for mere pleasure. Our body is meant for righteous deeds. If you even think about ending your life (suicide) and the government finds out, you will be punished. Even in this world, you don’t have complete authority over your own body, so wasting or misusing it is akin to self-destruction.

If you have no attachment to the female body, embrace celibacy and serve your country with valour. This will be your true liberation. By indulging in dirty habits, you are pushing yourself into hell. The place where you are seeking pleasure has no real joy. It is only a fleeting illusion that will lead you to more suffering.

Family Pressure For Marriage

homosexuality Family Pressure For Marriage

If you do not have love for the female body, why do you want to deceive someone? They could find someone who genuinely respects and loves them. If you accept them and then share your affection with someone else, it would be a betrayal. Their life would be filled with sorrow because of you. There’s still time; you can get out of this situation. Have an open conversation with your family, and don’t ruin someone else’s life.

If you are not interested in women, consider it a blessing from God and follow the path of celibacy, dedicating your life to service and righteous deeds. Your life will become meaningful. Our life is not just about satisfying lust; it is about conquering lust and dedicating ourselves to God. Animals and birds are also engaged in satisfying their urges, so what makes us different from them? It is our higher spiritual journey that makes us special.

durlabho mānuṣo deho
dehināṁ kṣaṇa-bhaṅguraḥ
tatrāpi durlabhaṁ manye

Srimad Bhagavatam 11.2.29
The human body is most difficult to achieve, and it can be lost at any moment.

The Opportunity For Change

homosexuality - The Opportunity For Change

If you do not correct your behaviour now, you will deeply regret it in the future. There’s still time to change your direction. Chant “Radha Radha” and resolve never to engage in wrong actions again. Any mistake can be corrected if you take the right step at the right time. If you don’t erase these hidden sins in this life, you will suffer both in this world and in the afterlife in hell.

Semen is meant only for procreation. If you waste it through inappropriate actions, you are murdering potential offspring. Think—if that semen had been placed in the right place, a child could have been born. Wasting it is a serious sin. Semen holds the possibility of life, and by destroying it, you are walking towards grave sin.

I’ve Been Engaged in This Wrongful Behavior for Many Years. Can My Nature Be Changed?

Walking the path of spirituality can change both your nature and destiny.

jauṃ nara hōi carācara drōhī
āvē sabhaya sarana taki mōhī
taji mada mōha kapaṭa chala nānā
karauom sadya tēhi sādhu samānā

— Ramcharitmanas
Even if a man is hostile to the entire world but takes refuge in me with fear, abandoning pride, illusion, deceit, and trickery, I immediately make him like a saint.

quote on homosexuality

Chant “Radha Radha” and never fall into bad habits again; you can be freed from the sins committed in this life. Repentance is still possible, and everything can be restored.

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ

Bhagavad Gita 18.66
Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto Me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear.

Children make mistakes, and in the eyes of the Lord, we are all children. There’s no need to seek anyone’s blessings; just walk the righteous path. Don’t worry about past sins; correct yourself from now on. Take refuge in the Lord; God has transformed even the most sinful into saints. Numerous examples in the lives of devotees demonstrate this.

Guidance By: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Guiding On Homosexuality

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