Glory Of Holy Name: Story Of A Sinner Sitting In Lord Ram’s Lap

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
lord ram with a devotee

There were two brothers named Karmchand and Dharamchand. Dharamchand was a devotee of God, and Karamchand was a sinful man who used to consume alcohol and engage in various illicit activities. The elder brother, Dharamchand, would bring home saints, worship them, and offer them food. Seeing all this, Karamchand would abuse the saints. He was of an evil nature. The elder brother thought how this evil person would be saved because abusing the saints would definitely lead to misfortune.

The Merciful Nature Of Saints

Once a group of saints from Ayodhya passed by their place, Dharamchand invited them to his place and fed them. Meanwhile, Karamchand came there after drinking alcohol and started abusing them all. His room was upstairs, he went to his room abusing everyone. The saints said to Dharamchand, you brought us home respectfully, but who is this? Dharamchand said, please forgive me; he is my younger brother; he has fallen into a bad condition due to bad company. He asked them, can he be saved? The saints said it would definitely happen; don’t worry.

a saint beats a sinful person

One of the saints was well-built; he went upstairs and knocked on the door. Karmchand opened the door, and the saint understood that humility would not work there. He pushed Karmchand down and sat on his chest. The saint said, “Chant Ram”. Karmchand denied. The saint said if you don’t chant Ram, I will strangle you; no one is going to save you here; chant Ram! After thinking for a long time, Karmchand thought there was no other way to save himself. So, to save himself, he said, “Ram Ram”. The saint moved away from him and said, Son, never use the virtue earned from this chanting; never sell it for anything. After a few days, Karmchand got the result of all his sins: he got a fatal disease and died.

Sinner Reached Yamaloka, And Yamraj Was Surprised!

Karmchand reached Yamraj’s court. When Yamraj saw his account, he found only sins; he had just said Ram twice due to the grace of a saint. Yamraj said that chanting Ram’s name is your only virtue; what will you take in return for this name? Karmchand remembered the saint’s words to not sell the fruit of chanting Ram’s name. Karmchand asked that first tell me the price of chanting Ram’s name twice, what can I get in return for it?. Yamraj was trapped. Yamraj thought putting a price on God’s name would be a big crime. He thought for a while and decided to take advice from Devraj Indra.

yamraj with a sinful soul

Yamraj Took Advice From Devraj Indra and Lord Brahma

Yamraj called Devraj Indra and told him everything. Devraj Indra said that even I cannot decide on this. Only Lord Brahma can decide this. Karmchand was very clever; he now understood the holy name’s importance. He said that these terrifying Yamdoots should be removed from my sight. And wherever you have to take me, I will not walk; a palanquin should be called for me. Devraj Indra and Yamraj made Karmchand sit in the palanquin and took him to Brahma Lok.

Brahma asked what the virtue of this soul is that both of you have brought him in a palanquin. Yamraj said he is a great sinner, but he has said Ram-Ram twice, and now he is asking to tell me the value of the holy name. Brahma Ji also started scratching his head because he could not tell the price of Ram’s name. Brahma Ji said that Lord Shiva knows the glory of Ram’s name. We all can go to Kailash and listen to the glory of the holy name from lord Shiva.

lord brahma with yamraj and indra

Yamraj, Devraj Indra and Brahma went to Lord Shiva

Everyone reached Kailash to meet Lord Shiva. The soul felt immense joy upon seeing Lord Shiva; all his sins were destroyed. Lord Shiva asked the purpose of their visit. Yamraj said that this soul has chanted Ram-Ram twice and is asking for its price. We have come to ask you the price of Ram’s name. Lord Shiva said that by saying Ra, I drank the poison Halahal, and by saying Ma, I stopped it in my throat. I also chant Ram’s name day and night, and by this Ram name, I give salvation to the dead in Kashi. But I am not capable of telling the price of Ram’s name. He said we should go directly to Saket Dham and ask Lord Ram for its price.

lord shiva tells the glory of chanting name of lord ram

Yamraj, Devraj Indra, Brahma and Lord Shiva Went To Meet Lord Ram

Everyone reached Saket Dham with the soul being treated like a groom. Yamraj told lord Ram that this soul is a great sinner, but on the advice of one of your devotees, he has chanted Ram-Ram twice, and now he is asking for its price. Lord Ram said, make him sit in my lap. Lord Ram made that soul sit in his lap and, while caressing him, said even I cannot tell the price, but you can see the glory; despite being a sinner, he is sitting in my lap.


From this story, we can understand the glory of Lord Ram’s name. A person who used to drink alcohol, who was on the wrong path and who used to betray saints; by the causeless grace of a saint, he chanted Ram’s name only twice, and lord Ram himself made him sit in his lap and started caressing him. Do not doubt whether chanting the name two or four times will lead to attaining God. Just one name is enough to help you meet God. If no offence is committed while chanting the name, you will develop a taste in the name of the Lord, and eventually, you can develop a loving friendship with Him. By chanting the name, you can also get the fortune of entering the pastimes of the Lord and serving Him personally.

Narrated by: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Narrating The Glory Of The Holy Name

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