Enjoy Now, Devotion Can Be Practiced In Old Age!

Enjoy your life, we will practice devotion in old age

If you sit among the elders and listen to their talks, you will understand that they only talk about the world. Their discussions only concern their family, property, sorrows, and worldly problems. Their dreams are also about these worldly matters. When the time of death comes, even at that time, they think about these things. The messengers of death beat them and take them.

Old people talking about worldly matters

He Who Constantly Meditates On Me Surely Attains Me

Some people think that they will practice devotion in old age. How will you meditate in old age if you have spent your whole life thinking about worldly things? If you are given a pistol in old age and are asked to shoot at a target, will you be able to do it? No! You will not know how to load a bullet; you will not even know how to shoot because you have never practised it. But those in the army can shoot at the target even after tying a blindfold because they have practised it. When even hitting a normal target cannot happen without practice, how can concentrating all the senses and immersing the mind at the feet of the Lord happen without practice?

Practice Devotion From Early Life

Practice devotion from early age

If a young aspirant is making a mistake, then this is not a matter to be condemned but praiseworthy. Practice is required to focus the mind on God. Prahlad Ji preached to his friends at the age of five. Devotion should be practised from childhood. This is wrong if you think you will live a household life, enjoy life’s pleasures, and later become a recluse. Even if you renounce in old age, you will surely return in a few months, as changing your mind is difficult; it requires practice. If you do not try yourself, Maya will force you to take refuge in God. It is better to immerse ourselves in God from the youth stage. Even if you live a married life, practice devotion.

quote on practicing devotion from an early age

Are Those Who Advise Practising Devotion In Old Age Devotees Themselves?

People are under the illusion that they are in an age of playing and eating, not practising devotion. There is no such state where devotion happens on its own and attachment is destroyed. You can change your outer appearance, but the transformation of the mind will happen only with practice. If you have not practised detachment throughout your life, tried to be free of attachment while living at home, tried to practice devotion, or surrendered to God, then do not be under the illusion that you will undergo some transformation immediately.

Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Guiding On Practicing Devotion Early On In Life

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