Ekadashi Fasting: Do’s And Don’ts? Know The Story And Results Of Ekadashi Fast

story of ekadashi fast

Ekadashi Fast is considered the supreme in all fasts. No one in the whole world does not know the glory of Ekadashi fast. In Satyuga, Shankhasura’s son, a demon named Moor, was born. The demon Shankhasura was killed by Lord Vishnu; this caused great sorrow to Moor. He went to the forest to take revenge for his father and started doing severe penance. Satisfied and compelled by the penance, Lord Brahma gave him the boon that no God, Demon, Sage, Human being, Shiva, or even lord Vishnu could defeat or kill him. Moor became very strong after getting the boon.

shankhasur demon in the story of ekadashi

Story Of Ekadashi

He defeated all demigods and took control over the whole world. Demons were appointed as ministers to take care of the world. The great atrocity of torturing and killing the Brahmins, Devotees and Cows was spread by the demon Moor. Feeling helpless, all the demigods went to Lord Shiva and asked him to protect them.

shankhasur demon undefeatable leading to birth of ekadashi

Lord Shiva assured everyone, and he himself, along with other demigods, challenged Moor to war. A very fierce war took place but the demon Moor was victorious in the war because he had the boon of Lord Brahma. Now, the demigods prayed to Lord Vishnu to protect them. Lord Vishnu used Sudarshan Chakra to attack the demon Moor, but due to the boon of Lord Brahma, Sudarshan Chakra revolved around Moor and came back. To maintain the dignity of the boon, Sudarshan Chakra did not kill Moor. There was an outcry. What would happen now when Lord Shiva and even Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra could not defeat this demon? 

Birth Of Ekadashi: Lord Vishnu’s Pastime

All the demigods started praying to Lord Vishnu again. Lord Vishnu left the fight and ran away. Moor saw that the leader was running away and decided to kill the Lord. He chased the Lord with his mace. The Lord ran to Badrika Ashram and hid in a deep, isolated cave. He appeared to be very tired and under the influence of sleep. He slept. Moor entered the cave and roared, asking where are you, Lord Vishnu?

birth story of ekadashi

 At this moment, a divine power appeared from the Lord’s heart in the form of a girl, who destroyed the demon Moor in a moment with her supreme brilliance and divine power. The demigods showered flowers and praised the goddess. Hearing the praise, Lord Vishnu woke up and asked the demigods, who are you praising?

The demigods answered, Lord, this girl appeared from your heart, destroyed all the demons, and killed the demon Moor. God said this girl appeared from my heart on the eleventh lunar day; hence, her name will be Ekadashi. O Ekadashi, you will own eight siddhis and nine nidhis. You will have so much strength that salvation will lie at the feet of those who observe your fast. One who fasts on Ekadashi will become sinless. Lord Vishnu said that whoever observes your fast will fulfil whatever they wish. They will get my devotion if they don’t wish for anything.

Rules Of Ekadashi Fast

foods to avoid on ekadashi day

The Ekadashi fast is practised for three days. It starts on Dashmi (the 10th lunar day) and ends on Dwadashi (the 12th lunar day).

Rules of Dashmi

Do not do these 10 things on Dashmi:

  1. Do not eat food in bronze utensils
  2. Don’t eat Masoor dal
  3. Don’t even touch meat
  4. Do not eat Gram (chana)
  5. Don’t eat Kodo Millet, also known as cow grass.
  6. Don’t eat leafy green vegetables.
  7. Don’t eat honey
  8. Do not get food from anyone else
  9. Don’t eat twice
  10. Don’t have intercourse

Rules of Ekadashi

Do not do these 11 things on the day of Ekadashi:

  1. Do not gamble or watch anyone gambling.
  2. Don’t sleep throughout the day and night.
  3. Do not eat betel
  4. Don’t use tree twigs to brush.
  5. Do not criticize or discuss others, i.e., maintain silence.
  6. Don’t gossip about anyone
  7. Don’t steal from anyone
  8. Don’t do violence against anyone
  9. Don’t have intercourse
  10. Don’t get angry
  11. Don’t lie

What to do on the day of Ekadashi?

wake up early take a bath
  1. On the day of Ekadashi, wake up in the Brahma Muhurta (4-6 am), take a bath, resolve to fast to please God, perform the worship given by the Guru, and then offer Pranam Namaskar.
  2. Focus on continuously keeping God in your mind. If you want to eat something, you can have fruits once and in small quantities.
  3. If possible, try to fast with only water, and take fruits once but in small quantities.
  4. Keep doing satsang and kirtan throughout the night.
eat a simple fruit diet on ekadashi

Rules of Dwadashi

Do not do these 12 things on the day of Dwadashi:

  1. Do not eat food in bronze utensils.
  2. Don’t even touch meat.
  3. No alcohol
  4. Don’t eat honey
  5. Do not eat food made in oil
  6. Don’t lie
  7. Don’t do any vigorous exercise.
  8. Do not travel 
  9. Don’t eat again, i.e. eat only once
  10. Don’t have intercourse
  11. Don’t touch what doesn’t deserve to be touched.
  12. Do not eat masoor dal

What to do on Dwadashi:

On the day of Dwadashi, after worshiping your ancestors, first take Charanamrit of the lord and offer food to at least one saint (devotee) and then eat.

Result of Ekadashi Fast

engage in meditation and remembering the lord on ekadashi day

All the sins of the person observing the Ekadashi fast are destroyed. He attains salvation. If he remains selfless, he attains the love of God.

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On Ekadashi Fasting:

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