Can Donating A Part Of Dirty Money Purify It?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
donating dirty money

You are wrong if you think some money earned through cheating and fraud can be donated to purify the rest. It will instead increase your sins. Saints follow a pure and divine life while progressing towards God. Consuming pure food and clothes enhances their holy practice. But if a meal or money earned through wrong acts reaches them, it will also disrupt their practice and drag them towards sinful activities. This will lead to the downfall of both the saint and you. You will incur double sin as you are responsible for the saint’s spiritual loss.

What Do Scriptures Say About Donating Money?

sharing with others

Our scriptures allow for the donation of money earned through righteous means and hard work. Some people advise earning money in whatever ways possible and justify donating 10% to purify it; this is pure deceit. No scripture advises it at all.

The person who earns money through fraud and the one who advises purifying it by donating are both wrong. Earning money through righteousness, using it to feed your family, and sharing a part with the needy is the real donation. This will bring you a fortune and nurture the conscience of the one you helped.

Is It Necessary To Cheat To Earn Money?

The government mostly lists every commodity with a fixed price, and the seller receives some profit accordingly. This means it’s possible to avoid cheating others to earn well. Your lifestyle may be simple, but you will be healthy. Instead, if you pursue earning more money through immoral ways to acquire luxuries and privileges, your mind won’t let you walk on the right path. Your life will have no peace, and you will always be anxious and stressed.

You will waste your time accumulating money for years, but it will leave you in one way or another. You will be left with regret as nothing fruitful will come out of that impure money. But if you stick to the right path of truth, it may take some time to earn money, but your family will stay happy and healthy.

living righteously vs living unrighteously

Earning dirty money will cause health issues for you or your family members, and you will be condemned. Save yourself from earning dirty money; otherwise, you will be left with nothing.

Be Righteous, And God Will Take Care Of You

If you earn money through righteous means, there will always be a fear within you that will stop you from getting onto the wrong path. This will save you from engaging in sinful activities and facing misery later. 

honesty leads to peaceful life

Walking on the path of truth is a difficult task, though. You will see people around you who earn more than you, live more comfortably and have adequate resources because they earn money through immoral means. You may feel jealous and consider doing the same to earn more money. But the truth is that the same fraudulent money will bring misfortune later, and it’s inevitable. Hence, keep faith and earn righteously, which may provide for only a simple life. You will live simply, but it will be a happy and healthy life.

It is fine if someone cheats us, but we will not cheat others. God will notice this and be happy with your faith in Him. Others may focus only on money, but you should always look to God. And when He looks back at you, he will make you the richest with His blessings.

Earn Righteouly, And You Will Be Protected

If you are destined to receive a fixed amount of money in life, it will reach you by God’s will. Good and bad times in life are already decided for us all, so why should we get involved in cheating and sinful behaviour? Hence, be righteous, and you will be protected. You might face some struggles in life, but you will be happy and content in the end.

quote on donating dirty money

Krishna’s friend Sudama had a friend who used to please others and earn money through wrongdoing. He would mock Sudama, saying, “What did you get from chanting ” Krishna Krishna”? You are still hungry and poor!” Sudama did not get to eat for many days but stayed firm in his faith in Krishna and always replied, “I cannot serve or please anyone else apart from my friend Krishna, even if I end up dying of hunger!” As a result, Krishna blessed him with a palace (Sudamapuri), which was much more magnificent than the Lord’s own Dwarkapuri.


living with honesty vs living with dishonesty

Be patient and deal with life’s struggles while being righteous. It will surely make you prosperous and happy. Someone who ignores righteousness and earns money through cheating and fraud may look successful and get ahead in life. But remember that the halogen bulb that shines too much also gets fused quickly. If you do your duty well and earn righteously, your life will always be full of light until the end.

Guidance by: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video of Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj On Donating Unrighteous Money

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