Do Evil Spirits And Ghosts Trouble You? What Is Pret Dosh In Kundali?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Ghosts, Evil Spirits and Witches

Who has got so much power to put ghosts behind you? Does God not exist? Some of our wrong deeds are the cause of our mental disturbances. It is our actions that affect us. A person who plays a villain in a movie isn’t a bad person in real life; he is just playing a role. This world is just a screen of Maya (Illusion). The only difference in the movie of this world is that the same Lord is playing the role of a hero, dancer, and director. He is everywhere. If someone wrongs you and if you retaliate or abuse them, your heart will become contaminated. And if you identify that it is the Lord only who is playing the role of villain in your life, you will be blissful and attain Him.

The Mind Is The Biggest Ghost

Our mind is the greatest ghost. Our actions become contaminated, and they disturb us like ghosts. You are afraid of ghosts but carrying these five enemies (senses), and you don’t see a problem with them? The senses are making us suffer, no one else. If we rise above the bodily attachment and become absorbed in the meditation of the Lord, we will become blissful immediately and understand that it is Him everywhere.

Ghosts, Evil Spirits and Witches

Three Modes Of Material Nature

Three screens are playing in the cinema of this world. When the ignorance screen is playing, you will see violence, adultery and abuse. If you see the screen of the mode of passion, then lust, and when you see the mode of goodness, you will see kindness, spirituality, etc. But in reality, the screen is plain white. The colours on the screen result from the projected light on the screen. The same God is playing the role of good and bad people through the modes of material nature. No one has the power to put a ghost on us; otherwise, what is the significance of God? If you do not engage in spirituality, you won’t be able to understand these things. How can anyone cheat or wrong us?


How To Stay Away From Troubles!

If we have done wrong, we will have to suffer, whether anyone does anything or not. And if we are not wrong, no one can harm us. Correct your mistakes. Chant the name of God, Radha Radha, constantly. The goal of this human life is to attain God. We see the world through our glasses. If your glasses are dirty with hypocrisy and Snobbery, you will see them in everyone around you. Once your glasses are cleaned by chanting the holy name, you will see that it is the same lord everywhere.

We must work on our weaknesses and remove our lust; we will see God in every form. We have to improve ourselves and not look at others’ faults. Listen to spiritual discourses, embody the teachings and become better. Chant Radha Radha, live a truthful life, do not consume any intoxicant, and no ghost or evil spirit can trouble you. The world is a game; if you understand this, you can quit playing it.

Original Question: Someone has put a Ghost behind me; I am in trouble and unable to find peace. What should I do?

Guidance By: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Speaking On Ghosts And Evil Spirits

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