If Success Is Dependent On Destiny, Why Should I Work Hard?

if success is dependent on destiny why should i work hard

The good and bad deeds from past lives decide our destiny for this birth. But, to be completely dependent on destiny is animalistic. This is the trait of animals, not humans. One should never be a coward in the name of destiny. Lord Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, says,

karmaṇy evādhikāras te
mā phaleṣu kadācana
mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr
mā te saṅgo ’stv akarmaṇi

Bhagavad Gita 2.47

It is our nature that we don’t want to work without expecting results. This is what binds us. It’s not bad to desire because wealth and position are required to care for the family and society. But this can be a starting point in our spiritual journey. Let’s say we work on something with a desire for money. But if we do not get money, we should think of it as a result of some bad past karma or God’s wish. We should not be disappointed or disheartened and should try again. In fact, a hardworking person will only win. Even if he fails many times, he will become detached from worldly pleasures and develop love for God. He will become a truly wealthy person. Destiny cannot destroy a hardworking person.

What Kind Of People Are Never Defeated?

It is mentioned in the scriptures:

Utsaah sampannam Adheergha sutram kriya vidhigyam vyasaneshva saktam.
Shuram Krutagyam Dhruda Souhrudam cha lakshmeehi svyam yaati nivasa hetoho

work hard and never give up

One who is always full of enthusiasm never gets defeated. He never procrastinates and works hard. Such a person knows the rules of his business. He is an expert in his field. Whatever position or work he gets, he finishes; he does not show any cowardice or negligence. He thinks that God is always watching him and his actions. He is brave. If someone behaves friendly towards him, he feels grateful and reciprocates. No matter what goes wrong, he continues to act firmly. He behaves lovingly with everyone. Because of all these qualities, the goddess of fortune blesses him

Therefore, we need not be defeated. Even if we fail many times, we still need not be disappointed. We should continue to do our duty with enthusiasm.

Don’t Let Disappointment Overpower You

parents should encourage children after failure

For example, if a student fails, some parents are so ignorant that they start torturing him mentally. They say we spent so much money on your education, and you failed. No parent should ever do this. If your child is failing, you should encourage her. You should say it doesn’t matter if you failed this time; if you study well, you will definitely pass. Help him improve his friendships and habits, which might be why he is not interested in studying. You should try to teach him. If he still fails, you should still love him. Doing this increases their enthusiasm.

If you don’t behave well with them, we hear a lot of incidents where children resort to harming themselves or even committing suicide out of guilt. It is a matter of great loss. Never get so disappointed that you decide to end your life. Such thoughts should never come. Our hope should never be broken, and despair should never defeat us.

We Should See The Grace Of God In All Situations

God will support us in both our worldly and spiritual aspirations. Failure will be a success if we keep trying. A hardworking person is never defeated. If he loses many times after walking on the right path, he becomes detached and takes refuge in God. The moment he becomes dependent on God, some way or another will come before him, leading to his success. A person who makes efforts can never be unsuccessful. Destiny might defeat him briefly, but he will eventually be victorious because he is a hard worker, enthusiastic, knows his craft, and is determined.

quote on hardwork and destiny en


We humans desire results, but if the results are not as desired, we should not be stubborn. Work hard to fulfil your duties while chanting the name of God. If you don’t do well while being righteous, do not lose faith or become an atheist. Think of it as God’s plan, and be satisfied with whatever you have. It is called cowardice if we do not make any effort and remain dependent on destiny. This defect of cowardice should never come within us.

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj On Destiny And Hardwork:

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