Consequences of Evil Deeds are Always Bad: The Story of Two Greedy Farmers

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Consequences of Evil Deeds are Always Bad

Once upon a time, two brothers worked as farmers. Their livelihood depended on agriculture, and they owned two pairs of oxen. They thought they could manage with one pair of oxen and sell the other to earn money.

One day, traders learned that there was a very beautiful pair of oxen for sale by the two farmers in the village. The traders approached the farmers and agreed to buy a pair of oxen for twelve thousand rupees. The traders also had a bag full of money with them. As it was evening, the traders requested the farmers to let them stay overnight. They said, “We will give you twelve thousand rupees in the morning and take the oxen. We seek refuge with you tonight; please protect us and our money.”

Now, the traders were both guests and seekers of refuge. If someone has come to seek your protection, you must ensure their safety, even at the cost of your life. If any harm comes to them, you will be punished in the afterlife and by the authorities here. Betraying or harming a seeker of refuge is a grave sin.

The Conspiracy to Kill the Traders and Steal Their Money

The Conspiracy to Kill the Traders and Steal Their Money

The farmers gave the traders a good meal that night and told them to sleep on the porch outside. Together with their wives, the farmers plotted that if they killed the traders, they wouldn’t have to give up the oxen, would receive the twelve thousand rupees, and could also take the extra money in the traders’ bags. This intention was utterly destructive, as the traders were under their protection and hospitality. Such thoughts lead to great sin and destruction in both this world and the next, and sins manifest their consequences immediately.

The plan to kill formed completely in their hearts. Their wives urged them to prepare a place to bury the bodies first. The farmers said, “There is a sugarcane field beside us; after killing the two traders, we will bury them in the same pit.” They then went to dig a hole of appropriate size in the sugarcane field.

farmers dig a hole of in the sugarcane field

The Neighbor’s Intervention

By divine coincidence, their neighbour felt the need to relieve himself. He thought of the nearby sugarcane field and decided to go there. Earlier, there were no toilets, and people went to the fields outside the village. The neighbour went to the sugarcane field and overheard the two farmers discussing, “Will two bodies fit in such a large pit?” He wondered what they were planning. Stealthily, he approached them and listened as one farmer said, “Are we committing some sin here?” The other farmer replied, “They have thousands of rupees that we can easily get. Why are you thinking about sin and virtue? We will bury them right in this pit.”

The Neighbor's Intervention

The neighbour heard everything and hurried to save the traders. He woke them and said, “You both must come with me now. Take whatever money you have with you.” Since God inspired him to save them, the traders did not doubt his words and immediately followed him, taking their belongings.

The Terrifying Consequence of Evil Deeds

The mattresses and blankets remained untouched on the porch of the farmers’ home. The neighbour took the traders to his house and informed them, “These farmers planned to kill you and steal your money. They have even dug a pit to bury you. Please stay here quietly tonight.”

The Terrifying Consequence of Evil Deeds

Both farmers had one son each, and that night, their sons went to watch a play in the village. The farmers had made a heinous resolve; thus, influenced by this sinful act, their sons decided that the play wasn’t enjoyable, and they would leave. While conversing happily, they returned home to find the mattresses and blankets on the porch. Thinking their parents had set up their beds outside, they covered their faces and fell asleep on the porch.

After digging the pit, the farmers returned and told their wives to fetch a sickle. With no electricity in the village and in the dark, they murdered their sons, thinking they were the traders, and buried them in the pit along with the mattresses. When they came back from burying the bodies, they wondered where the bag full of money was that they had plotted to obtain. Realizing they had buried the money with the dead bodies, they quickly dug up the pit again and discovered the bodies of their children. Now, they could neither scream nor cry.

The Punishment for Deceiving Others

The Punishment for Deceiving Others

In the morning, the neighbour brought the traders back to the farmers and said, “You were planning a beautiful scheme to kill them and steal from them. But by God’s grace, they are safe, and so is their money.” He then reported them to the police, and all were punished. Their sons were also killed. Just the thought of harming a seeker of refuge can lead to your destruction. The two farmers faced punishment because they betrayed the seekers of refuge, and their entire lives were ruined. Moreover, those who deceive seekers of refuge must endure suffering in this world and punishment in hell.

Guidance by: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj Guiding On The Consequences Of Evil Deeds

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