Changing Guru or not changing Guru, both are acts of ignorance. If you want to move forward and feel that the path ahead is in some other form, then you should understand that your Guru is inspiring you from within and accepting you from outside in the form of your new Guru. Guru has not changed; the Guru has changed his form. The disciple just has to recognize who the Guru is.
Is It An Offense To Change Guru?
Ignorant individuals are trapped and are exploited emotionally, physically or practically in the context of changing Guru. We should not accept all these things and keep moving forward to attain God. If you are not progressing on the path shown by your Guru, then you should accept the Guru who helps you move on the path of God with enthusiasm. It will not be an offence because you are moving forward to attain God. It is wrong if you feel trapped where you are but are not acting due to guilt. It will be an offence for sure if you remain trapped there. You should get free from there and move forward to attain God.
Whom Should I Make My Guru?

First of all, do not make anyone your Guru. You should not make anyone your Guru by getting influenced by them, by looking at their qualities, looks, and scholarship, or by listening to their discourses. All these are external things, and they will be destroyed one day. First of all, accept God as your Guru. Pray to God that, O Lord, I accept you as my Guru. If you think I need a Guru, you should meet me as my Guru. I do not know who is a saint and who is not. You come before me and help me understand that you have come as my Guru. If you do this, God will take you to a place where you will never have any doubt. Your Guru is the one whose company, words, and mercy strengthen your spiritual path.
Guru does not change by changing Guru’s form. Guru’s form can change because Guru is present in many forms (disguised as another person to teach you a specific lesson, for example); he can catch you and pull you from anywhere at any time, but he is your Guru only. If you are on the path of choosing your Guru, this post will benefit you.

Avoid Offences Against Your Guru
If someone disobeys the orders of the Guru for the greed of money or worldly prestige, he will fall and be accused of Offence against the Guru. Guru is taking you forward on the path of God, and if you disobey his orders, you will be accused of an offence against Guru. But if you understand that your current Guru is not helping you move forward on the path to attaining God, only worldly matters are being discussed; then you can move forward and find someone else. You can think that his association was only till here, and from here on, your Guru will come in some other form. You are taking steps on the path of God; keep moving forward until you meet God. The relationship between Guru and disciple is only for attaining God, not for any worldly give and take.
In worldly behaviour, considering the Guru as just a human body is gross ignorance. Is Guru only a human being? Understand the nature of the Guru; he is the witness of all beings, and he can speak from anywhere. He can speak in any form. If the Guru has shown you the right path, you do not need any other Guru. You should move ahead if he cannot show you the path.
Nature Of Guru

Only the enlightened can become a Guru; otherwise, how can he enlighten the disciple? If one has not attained God, one cannot help someone else attain God. There is only one among thousands who aim to attain God; otherwise, people learn to deliver spiritual lectures, sermons and discussions to gain wealth and respect.
But the great men who have attained God do not like all this. The experience of the heart of such great men gets transferred into the disciple’s heart and makes them understand the truth. You do not need to work hard to understand the truth. Because those great men speak from their hearts, their words have such an impact that they will sink into your heart and make you do what they want. This is the glory of Guru; this is the nature of Guru.
There Will Be Signs, Understand Them
If you are not progressing, keep a distance from them and advance in spirituality. But this should be done with the order of God. If there is an order from God, then as soon as you take a step, your heart will tell you it’s right, and you will feel happy. When you move towards God, you will start getting signs: If you find a person, and you feel like walking on his instructions with closed eyes, and there is a remembrance of the lord, there is no need to be afraid. Where there is a wrong path, you start getting signs, too. On the wrong path, your heart starts burning; you feel fear and doubt.
Guru Is Present In Everyone And Everywhere

It is a grave crime to ignore the Guru for any other matter. But if you cannot attain God with the help of your current Guru, then run and find someone else. The same Guru is present in that new form as well. There is only one element, whether Guru Tatva or Ishta Tatva. Whether you call it Krishna, Ram, Shiva, or whatever you call it, it is only one. The same supreme element is present in all forms; whichever form you accept, it is in that form.
My Guru Passed Away, Should I Make A New Guru?
Accepting the words of the Guru is what helps you progress. Whatever holy name or mantra your Guru has given you, chant that name. Whatever answers you need, take them from Satsang. Your Guru is present in everyone. Akhand Mandalakaram Vyaptam Yen Characharam. If you have already dedicated your life to your Guru, then there is no need to think again. Your Guru is taking care of you everywhere; if you can hold on to him, then it is good; if you cannot hold on to him, then even if the Guru himself speaks to you, you will still not understand.
If you sit where you have no faith, you will fall. You will not make any spiritual progress; on the contrary, you will find faults in them. Leave where you have no faith; move on to another path. This is not the path of the weak that you sit down weakly; keep moving forward. Wherever you feel that you are home, and there is no more need to walk any other path, just stay there forever; that is your eternal resting place, and you will find peace.
Guidance By: Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj