Are You Afraid Of Death? Can Death Be Avoided?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
can death be postponed

Why do you want to postpone death? What difference does it make if we die after ten days or today? We will be happy with whatever our Lord wishes. The following story will make you understand that we do not know anything about what is good for us and what is bad:

A Wife’s Attempt To Avoid Her Husband’s Death

There was a great devotee named Pratap Rai. His parents were devotees, so he used to serve Thakur ji since childhood. He followed the path of truth and did not ask for anything from God. He had a sister; her name was Malti. She knew that her brother used to worship God. She got married and lived a happy life. After some time, her husband fell ill and reached a dying state. She felt that if her brother prayed to God, surely her husband would be saved; she knew the power of his worship.

a wife fighting god for life of her husband

She came to him and said, Brother, I have never asked anything from you to date; please ask God to save my husband. At his sister’s request, Pratap Rai kept her husband’s head in his lap and started chanting the mantras he used to chant and prayed to God to save him. He and Malti Ji immediately went into Samadhi. Both saw that the messengers of God who had come to take her husband stopped. Her husband’s good fortune had risen, and he was entitled to attain God, but because Pratap Rai had taken a vow, the messengers refused and gave him his life back. Her husband said you cannot do this to me; I have been longing for God since many births, and today I am finally going to meet Him; why are you, being a devotee, stopping me from meeting my God?

Suddenly, both of them opened their eyes; Pratap Rai asked, sister, did you also see the same thing I saw? She said Brother, let it be, let him go. The conclusion is that if God had wants to call us to meet Him, why would we want to delay or avoid it?

A Story Depicting The Plight Of The Living Entity

A poor man used to serve a saint. He had a desire for wealth. One day, he told the saint Maharaj Ji, I wish to become rich. The saint said, Son, you will not get peace by becoming rich, but if you want it, here is the touchstone; all the iron you touch with it will turn gold. You can keep this touchstone for seven days, after which you must return it. He thought seven days was a lot of time, so first, I would collect the iron. He sold all his property and bought iron. In doing this, seven days passed. The saint came and said give me back the touchstone. The saint took back the touchstone, he was left with only iron, all the property was also gone.

a man collecting iron

Our condition has also become like this. We were given this life to make gold with our breath, to chant Radha-Radha in every breath. But we got busy collecting iron, enjoying pleasures, making all the arrangements for a happy life, collecting material things and luxuries. When the time of death came, now we are saying it would have been better if we had got some more time. When we could do anything in fifty years, what would we do with some more time?

There is only one way left. Whatever time we have at present, whether one breath or one minute, we should spend that time remembering the Lord. This will make everything auspicious. Our Lord is very kind, even if our whole life is spoiled, but if we chant Radha-Radha in the last moment, He will make everything right. Whether life remains or not, do not worry about it; chant the name of the Lord continuously.

Parikshit Maharaj Cursed To Die In Seven Days

Shringi Rishi cursed Parikshit Maharaj, saying that he would die in seven days due to the bite of the Takshak snake. After this, great saints sat on fast unto death with Parikshit ji on the banks of the Ganges for seven days, but no one talked about removing that curse. The discussion was about bringing welfare to Parikshit Maharaj in seven days. Shukdev Goswami came to him and preached Bhagwat for seven days, but he did not discuss saving him. He just asked whether he was afraid of death? Parikshit ji said that after your preaching, there is no fear left, after that Shukdev ji left from there.

pariskshit maharaj with sages

We should be at peace and accept that one day, we will surely die. Are you scared thinking that everything will be left here? One thing that can save you from this fear is God’s name.

Why Do You Want To Avoid Death?

If the thought of postponing death comes to mind, it means that we still have attachments left in us. These attachments could be to our own bodies, pleasures, or family. These attachments create obstacles to attaining God. Everyone has to leave this world one day. Only one thing is certain here: death. Everyone’s time of departure has already been fixed.

quote on death

We have only one duty: to make that fixed time meaningful and attain God. Why do you want to use your devotion to avoid death? Chant Radha Radha, prepare to leave this place happily. God can keep us alive for as many days as He wants. Use your devotion only to please God. If you use the power of devotion to fulfil your desires, it will be like you have used an atom bomb to kill a mosquito.

Sorrows and happiness keep coming into your life without you asking for it; this is the sequence of your old karmas. Rise above sorrows and happiness, concentrate your mind on the feet of God, by this you will get eternal bliss. There are only two ways to reach the feet of God: surrender and chanting the holy name. Leave the thoughts of the world and think of God, chant the name, surrender to God, and perform your duty. Do not do any intoxication, do not eat meat, do not have dirty feelings towards women; you are not an animal. We have this human life to be liberated from this miserable world, so we should make it meaningful by chanting the lord’s name.

Guidance by: Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

Original Video of Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj On Death

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