An Ode To Women: Insights from Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj

women empowerment

Women possess unique qualities, such as resilience, compassion, and nurturing abilities, which are essential for society’s well-being. They are not ordinary individuals but embody divine strength. Women have long been revered as strong beacons of spirituality. They have inspired generations with their spiritual fervour and demonstrated the transformative potential of faith and devotion.

Despite the supreme status of women as stated in our sacred scriptures, malpractices like dowry, female infanticide, rape and violence against women continue to plague societies worldwide, defying decades of progress towards gender equality. These issues need to be addressed. Harming daughters in any way brings misfortune upon us. It is a man’s supreme duty to protect women from crimes like rape and misconduct & protect their chastity.

Social evils like the dowry system also perpetuate inequality and materialism. These should be eradicated, and marriage should be treated as a sacred union based on love, respect, and mutual understanding rather than material exchange. We must educate and nurture girls, providing them equal opportunities and respecting and honouring them as divine beings.

Are Men Superior To Women?

It is wrong. Whoever says this is ignorant. The greatest Mahatma, Shri Sukhdev Ji, sings the greatest glory of the Gopis. In Bhaktamal, all the most interesting characters come from these Mahabhagyavati Vaishno Devis. No one has been born without a woman, Ram or Krishna. The woman is the mother of all. Somewhere or another, he took shelter from the mother, even though he had manifested His divinity. Sachchidanand Paramatattva drank the breast milk (nectar) of Mother Kaushalya, Mother Devaki, and Mother Yashoda. God himself is in female form; there is no one else.

If you want to look into spirituality (bhakti marg), women are not a step behind men either. Devoted Savitri shook the Dharma Raj. Due to the influence of Pativrata dharma, Goddess Anasuya transformed Brahma Vishnu Mahesh into six-month-old babies and cradled them. If someone considers a woman to be ordinary, then it is wrong. There is no great power like a woman.

women empowerment

Glories of Gopis of Vrindavan

Who does not want to become the dust (charan dhuli) of the feet of the Gopis, be it Sanak, Narad, etc? Great sages worshipped the dust of the feet of the Gopis. The Brijvasi Gopis were in female form. There was no great saint who did not sing praises of Gopis. Bhishma ji also remembered the Gopis in his last moments. Supreme celibates like Bhishma ji, Sukhdev ji, and many mahatmas have worshipped the dust of the feet (charan raj) of Gopis.

Distance (Maryada) has been created in the scriptures to be free from attachments. Don’t condemn or insult women. Only by drinking the nectar of their sacred milk can a person become a Mahatma, a warrior, no matter how great a sacrifice he may make. God himself exists in both forms, male and female. This difference between men and women appears due to our bad tendencies. If we ever feel that we should maintain distance from a woman, it is only for detachment and not out of jealousy or hatred. Both spiritual seekers, whether female or male, should maintain distance from each other.

Shri hit premanand ji maharaj on women empowerment

Skewed Gender Ratio: Family Pressure To Birth A Boy

Are girls, not children? This is the problem. You don’t have to listen to anyone. Girls should be considered equal to or even more than boys. The intelligence of people is corrupt. At the moment, the president of India is also a woman. She is the President! If the mothers were not there, then where would boys come from? If you have a perfect house, all the arrangements are perfect, but there is no mother or sister there, you will see that it will feel like ruins. And if the house is made of mud walls, with a shed, and there is a mother, she will keep it so beautiful. She is called Graha Laxmi (Goddess of Prosperity).

In today’s time, when the son pushes the parents away, the daughter takes care of them. I feel the awe and reverence that we once had towards the daughters in our country is getting reduced. People think they will have to pay a dowry if they have daughters. A daughter is God’s divine energy; don’t look at her like that. Some families curse the daughter-in-law for birthing daughters. Do you have the ability to create a son? Do you have the ability to create a son or daughter? All this happens as per God’s legislation.

Our daughters and sisters are succeeding in every field, so remove these negative feelings. Educate them nicely and make them prosperous. We should be satisfied with God’s legislation. Whatever son or daughter God gives, God’s grace, you should love them.

women empowerment

Women in Spirituality

When one is on a spiritual journey, Almighty God accompanies. There are many examples. When Karmaiti Bai Ji came to Vrindavan, she applied raj (holy dust of Vrindavan) on her entire body and sat on the trees the whole day. She would come down at night, get food and water, and then engage in bhajan. The name of Mata Sabari echoed everywhere in the dense forest of Dandakaranya; even today, the light of the name Sabari is present in the hearts of the devotees. Mother Shabari Ji got a lot of love from Lord Ram. Great meditating yogis feel respectful towards Shabari Ji. Look at the love of Vidurani Ji, the love of Meera Ji, Karmaiti Bai, and Shri Ratnavati; there are many examples.

Gargi ji used to preach in the meetings of great scholars. She used to answer the questions. Women have been successful in all fields. A Yogini entered Dasharatha Ji’s mind and sat there. Dasharatha ji asked her, what are you doing here? Yogini said that an empty mind is the resting place of yogis. That’s why I came here. If a woman wants, she can do anything. Lord Ram said to Kakabhushundi Ji: “Men, queers, women, animals, or plants, which approach me after abandoning malice, are beloved to me.” This means that God loves everyone equally. He does not differentiate between men and women.

“Purush napunsak nari va jiv charachar koi, Sarv bhav bhaj kapat taji mohi param priy soi” 

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Speaking On Gender Equality

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