Addressing Student Suicides: Young Age, Failure And Depression

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
addressing student suicides

Young children have a new zeal. If that zeal is not given the right direction, then it goes in the wrong direction, for example, adultery and intoxicants. Even the youngest of kids have a Smartphone. Kids watch the wrong things when alone, mingle with the wrong friends, and then step into the wrong activities and blackmail each other. Failure, insecurity about how they will be perceived in their social group, scoldings from the family, etc., diminishes their ability to make the right decisions. In such situations, they think ending the body is a good way to escape all the problems.

Smartphones and Loss Of Celibacy

Today, the beauty of the body is being protected properly, but not purity. The intellect has advanced but is on the wrong principle and path. Kids as young as sixteen are getting into relationships and adultery. They call it entertainment, thinking of it as play; this is infidelity. Infidelity contaminates the mind and corrupts the intellect, lowering the power of memory and the life force.

Children should stay celibate until the age of 20-25 and then get into married life; this will lead to an auspicious life ahead. Since the time Smartphones came into existence, the downfall of this new generation has started even more. Currently, a 12-year-old child has access to explicit content and gains information on sensual matters before he is mature because he has a mobile; this is poison for our new generation. Today, exploitation is going on in the name of friendship, nurturing the lust and exploitation of bodies and destroying the life force. I request the youth try to understand celibacy and protect themselves from impure actions; their mental power will become strong. A true friend protects their friend. Today, friendship has lost its true meaning, leading to the destruction and downfall of the other person.

addressing student suicides

The Role of Parents And The Education System

Due to all these distractions, children cannot focus on their studies. Parents work hard to educate their children; much money is involved. If children fail, this also creates mental pressure on them. They get defeated in so many ways. That is why I request parents to behave with their children like friends.

We should sit with them, hear whatever they say, and support them with our minds and bodies. Our children should trust us to share with us if anyone is blackmailing them, putting pressure on them, trapping them or teaching them corrupt behaviour. Even in the greatest of their mistakes, we should be with them, and then the child will mature. If children fail, don’t scold or torture them with harsh words. They can try again and succeed.

addressing student suicides

If you behave like this, they will get a lot of courage and will be protected from unprincipled behaviour. We will also be able to prevent these suicide incidents. Children are naive and cannot solve these problems on their own. Many evil and clever people target and trap naive, innocent children and then demand money or bodily favours from them; they force them. Kids lose and decide to end their bodies.

Today’s education does not impart politeness, civility, or self-control. We should provide spiritual education along with material education in schools. I think there will be a lot of change if that happens. Teachers and parents should support children. Love holds great power. I feel that parents don’t care much about their children’s character and problems and neglect them; the mistake is on both ends. If a child is in a bad situation, console and don’t scold him. Decision-making power is low in children, and this prevalent loss of celibacy further reduces it.

addressing student suicides

Is Suicide Really The Easy Way Out?

Not just children but even adults who face failure think that suicide is an easy way of getting away from pain. In reality, it increases the pain. You go into lower species after this life and suffer agony. The human body is not given for suicide but to fight the problems and win. We have a human body; we can protect ourselves through good actions, meditation and chanting the holy name of God. It is the responsibility of guardians and teachers to explain this to children and teach them some principles of the scriptures. An austere person can protect himself; a child with self-control is skilled in protecting himself.

Answered by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on 30.01.2024

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Addressing The Issue Of Student Suicide:

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