About Premanand Ji Maharaj

Residing in Shri Vrindavan Dham (the abode of Radha Krishna) and devoted to the Holy Name, Form, Pastimes and Dham of Shri Shyama-Shyam (Radha-Krishna), Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj is an extraordinary personality in the Spiritual realm. He is constantly guiding aspirants pursuing the spiritual path by his spiritual discourses (Satsang) and positive encouragement, and trying to awaken the spiritual consciousness of people stuck in mundane affairs and sense gratification.

Driven by an intense desire to see the Lord in person (Bhagwat Sakshatkar), respected Maharaj ji left his home at the tender age of 13 and started on the spiritual path. He took Sanyasa (renounced order) and spent the majority of his life with intense renunciation along the banks of the Ganges pursuing the goal of self-realization (Brahm Bodh). After some time he was attracted by the Ras-Leela of the divine couple Shyama-Shyam (dramatic presentation of the divine play pastimes of Shri Radha- Krishna) and with the inspiration of Lord Vishvanath (Lord Shiva), he came to Vrindavan from Kashi. For the past several years, with a firm faith in Vrindavan Dham, he has been practising the Rasopasna of Shri Priya-Preetam (Devotional practise to cultivate divine love of Radha-Krishna) that was manifested in this world by Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu (Acharya of the Radha Vallabh tradition).

Shri Maharaj ji has a great fondness for his homeland of Bharat (India) and his sole goal is that our fellow countrymen give up the sinful activities (gambling, meat-eating, intoxication, violence, illicit sex, etc.) that lead to misery, disturbance and fear and do their duty while offering it to God and live in this world happily and peacefully and obtain the goal of human life which is breaking free from the cycle of birth and death and attain God.

Maharaj ji’s viewpoint is that to attain the Love of God or to attain God there is no discrimination and everyone is equally eligible. He believes we are all parts and parcel of the Lord and have an equal right to attain God.

The essence of Maharaj ji’s spiritual guidance is to not indulge in sinful activities, take shelter of God and constantly chant the holy name of God.

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