Is Devotion and Love Possible Without Any Desire, Selfishness, and Fear?

by Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
devotion and love without any desire, selfishness, and fear

Let’s not take big examples of great devotees, they are the incarnation of God. Look at me, from my humble position, born from a human mother’s womb and with the presence of all the vices of lust, anger, greed, attachment, anger, lust in my heart, when I took the shelter of Guru (spiritual master) and fought (started chanting the name), I got the victory.

In today’s morning satsang (discussion about the glories of the lord), I discussed the glory of chanting the name, that God’s name is dearer than God. When one starts chanting the name of the lord continuously, fear, anger, greed, attachment, and madness (all six vices) run away, and due to the effect of chanting the name, internal conflict due to the duality of nature gets resolved. The chanter rises above insults, pleasures, sorrows, gains, and losses. One does not seek respect, he does not like being respected, he does not have even the slightest fear, he becomes fearless. There is no worry even in the slightest, he becomes carefree. His speech, action, and resolution start bringing good to all. He becomes a Mahatma (saint); whether wearing pants and a shirt or yellow or saffron robes, he becomes a Mahatma. If this is not the case, then it is difficult to say that you are a Mahatma. You can also become a Mahatma. There are two ways of becoming a Mahatma. One is to become a Mahatma through the path of renunciation, another is to imbibe the characteristics of a Mahatma in your heart while still doing your duties. Just chant the name of the lord and by chanting the name you will attain all the conditions.

Chanting of the Holy Name Saves even the Sinners.

Just as Hanuman Ji loves Ram Ji, the same love will come to your heart. Just as all the vices do not touch the hearts of great saints, similarly, they will also not come into your heart. There are examples given of great saints. There was Valmiki Rishi, who did not know how to say Ram Ram directly, but by chanting, he became a brahmarishi (enlightened sage). There was Ajamil, who just chanted Narayan (one of the holy names of the lord) because his son was named Narayan. He attained the supreme position. There was Sabari, a woman of the Bhilani caste. All the sages despised her, but lord Rama went to her hut, ate berries offered by her, and was given the supreme abode of the lord. 

Everything can be achieved by chanting the lord’s name, but we have to start chanting the name continuously. In the beginning, there will be desire within us, there will be fear. There will be worries and sorrow because we have just started. But when there remains no difference between your breath and the name (meaning chanting within becomes as continuous as breathing), we will achieve everything. Many names are going on in every breath. If you don’t do bhajan (following spiritual practice and chanting the name of the lord), if you don’t follow the proper path, then you will be troubled by the same vices – lust, anger, greed, attachment, etc. If you chant the name for a while and again engage in the same dirty things (bad habits), you will not experience it. You will say, I have been chanting the name for so many years but have not got any benefit. You have not been chanting the real name for years, you have been behaving recklessly. If you chant the name correctly, then within a few days, you will come to know. It will feel as if your mind is burning. Just like gold gets purified when heated, similarly, our mind gets purified by burning through the holy name. It starts moving towards God, the vices in your mind decrease, and you get defeated by them less. You will experience it yourself. When you start experiencing it, there are no more questions left. You have to walk. The path ahead is visible. Are you able to understand? Any doubt?

hit premanand ji maharaj quote on compassion of god

I have Committed Many Sins. Can I Attain God?

We are very impure. One of the names of the lord is Adham Udharan (One who Salvages vile beings). We are very fallen; one of the names of the lord is Patit Pavan (purifier of the fallen). We are orphans in the world with no refuge; one of the lord’s names is Dinanath (Lord of and protector of the poor). In every way, there is a relationship between us and Him. We will attain God. Learn to answer the mind. Attainment of God is easy, it’s like a matter of our house. Even the foolish son is the legal heir of the father’s property.  The neighbour might be a learned man but can’t be an heir. Lord is ours, it doesn’t matter how fallen we are.  We might be lowly, fallen, orphans, and miserable, but we are Yours. We attain God only with this feeling. If someone becomes proud that I am an ascetic, attainment of God is far away. But if someone has the mood that O’Lord, whatever way I am, I am yours. I do not have the power to attain you, but Lord, the thought has come to my mind that you are mine, I want to see you, Lord will hug you, leave alone the matter of seeing and hearing Him.

You have not known the nature of our Lord. We at least look at God with love or some relationship. Daemon Putna went to kill lord Krishna, but she was also given the same position as the Lord’s mother, Yashoda. Shishupala abused lord Krishna repeatedly in the public gathering, God gave him the same position that great sages attain. Daemons like Aghasura and Bakasura, who wanted to kill lord Krishan, were given the supreme position, which is desired by even the sages. These were the ones who abused God, fought with God, and went to kill God, he gave them the supreme position. We are His parts, irrespective of the position we are in currently; if we chant Radha Radha (One of the Holy names of the lord), if we chant Ram or Krishna or Hari (names of the lord), will we not attain God?

To burn a mountain of cotton, there is no need for fire as big as a mountain. Only one matchstick is needed. There might be mountains of sins we might have committed; only the rubbing of God’s name is required. Just as we create fire by the friction of two sticks, in the same way, when we say Ram Ram, Radha Radha, Krishna Krishna, Hari Hari with our tongue, then the fire of knowledge and love will kindle in our heart, that will burn all the accumulated sins of the heart. Whichever position we might be in currently, we are Lord’s. If we try not to forget the holy name of the lord, we will attain God. There are many examples where even chanting the name of the lord unknowingly converted extremely sinful people into sages. Examples like these give us courage that if God accepted such sinful people, He would also accept us.

There is no need to be disappointed. Our Lord has a very compassionate nature. The day when you direct the love for which you are longing here in this world towards the lord, that day only one thing remains: you start to cry for Him. You do not care about anything else. What can a lover do? He only cries. And the one who decides to cry for the Lord gets God. God is very kind to the beloved. However, we are not entitled to attain God, but with His grace, we become entitled to attain Him. Just as a father who has earned property worth billions of rupees through hard work, who is a great scholar, who is educated, who is respected by everyone in the society, but has a foolish son, an illiterate son, according to the government, he is still the legal heir of all that opulence.

Similarly, if we accept from our heart that I am lowly but belong to my Lord, we will attain God. Those who have this pride that I am an ascetic, I have achieved full control of my senses, but the goal is still far away. They will have to make efforts and take many births, and when their ego gets destroyed, God will be attained.

After hearing all this, we cannot remain worthy of being proud. How can we fully control our senses when our mind makes us do whatever it wants, whenever it wants? We are sinners, we are wretched. We are lazy. This thought that we are of no use on our leads to attaining God. O Purifier of the sinful ones, you are making me practice spirituality; I cannot do it alone. I am yours. Only this will solve the problem.

Original Question – Whenever God’s remembrance comes during the day, I realize there is also an accompanying feeling, desire, selfishness, knowledge, ignorance, fear, or attachment in the mind. Is devotion or love possible without any desire, selfishness, and fear? Like Shri Hanuman ji, for example 
Question by – SV Chaturvedi from Delhi, India
Answer by – Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj
Answered on – 03.01.2024 

Original Video Of Shri Hit Premanand Ji Maharaj Answering The Question:

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